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trend (n.) 趋势 ---The current trend is towards informal clothing. 目前的趋势是穿着比较随便。 ---This skirt is an example of the latest trend in fashion. 这条裙子体现了时装界的最新潮流。 follow the trend 追随潮流 set a trend 开创潮流 2. surround (vt.) 环绕 ----The house is surrounded with flowers and trees. 房子被鲜花树木环绕着。 ---After class the professor was surrounded with his students. 课后教授被他的学生所包围。 surrounding (a.) 周围的 surroundings (pl.) 周围的事物/环境 3. achieve (v.) 达到;获得 achieve nothing 一事无成 achieve success 取得成功 achieve one’s objective/target 实现目标 ---Work harder, and you’ll achieve your dream. 再努力些,你就能实现梦想。 achievement C. 成就 make outstanding achievements in 在…方面取得杰出成就 4. suspend (vt.) 悬挂;吊 ---The photo is suspended on the wall. ---The lamp is suspended from the ceiling. ---His body was found ________ (suspend) by a rope. suspension (n.) 悬挂 suspension bridge 悬索桥 5. arrange (v.) ①布置 ---She is very good at arranging flowers in the vase. ②安排 ---She’ll arrange everything. ---I’ve arranged for a car to collect you at the airport. arrange for sb to do 安排某人做… arrangement C. 安排;布置 6. viewer (n.) 电视观众 ---Many viewers said that they didn’t like the ending of the TV series. 许多观众说他们不喜欢这电视连续剧的结尾。 Cf: audience (表演/讲座) spectator (比赛) 6. view (n.) 视野 have a bird’s eye view of sth 鸟瞰;俯视 in view/sight 在视线内 In my view/eyes, = From my point of view, 在我看来 view (v.) 看作 view A as B 把A看作B 7. digital (a.) 数码的;数字的 digital technology 数码技术 digital camera 数码相机 digital video camera 数码摄像机 8. re’cord (v.) 录音/像 ---He recorded everything (which/that) happened on his travel. ---Your favorite soap opera has been recorded. ‘record (n.) 记录 break/hold the world record 打破/保持世界记录 keep a record 记录 9. similar (a.) 相似的 be similar to 与…相似 be similar in 在…方面相似 ---My teaching style is similar to that of most teachers. ----The two house are similar in size. 11. introduce (v.) 介绍;推行;采用 ---Aft


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