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中山市中等职业教育现状分析 及发展对策研究 摘 要 随着我国经济结构的调整和转型,劳动力市场的需求也发生了结构性的转变,技术型劳动力短缺已成为经济持续快速发展的制约因素之一。作为专门培养技能型人才的职业教育引起了各级政府的高度重视,1991年、2001年和2005年,国务院三次做出关于大力发展职业教育的决定,尤其是近年来经济飞速发展,各地政府特别是经济发达地区的政府为推动职业教育发展采取了很多举措。2007年,中山市委市政府将超常规发展职业教育列为全市的十大民生工程之一,计划未来三年投入15亿元做大、做强职业教育。大力发展中等职业教育正是当前中山市教育的热点,但是,由于职业教育面临着内部需要协调发展、外部需要加强联系和扩大宣传等诸多问题,因此,也成为一个发展难点。本文以中山市为个案,从经济产业发展和人才资源配置情况出发,总结了中山市中等职业教育的基本状况,分析了目前存在的问题及成因,并提出了根据中山市产业发展规划调整中等职业教育专业设置、加强校企合作、以工学结合进行教学模式改革、组建职业教育集团等可行的发展策略。 关键词:中等职业教育;产业发展;专业设置;职教集团;工学结合 Abstract With the adjustment and transformation of our economic structure, the needs for labor market have been changed in a structural and scale way. The shortage of technology-oriented labors has become one of the restricting factors. Governments at various levels attaches great importance to vocational education for it is a special and important place to cultivate skilled talents. In the year of 1991, 2001 and 2005, the State Council has been reached a decision on making great efforts to develop secondary and higher vocational education. The economy of our country has leapt forward in recent years. Local governments, especially those in economy developed areas, have been put forth lots of measures to encourage the development of vocational education. In 2007, the exceptional development of vocational education has been placed on the list of the ten peoples livelihood project by Zhongshan municipal party committee and municipal government. Striving to develop secondary vocational education has been the hotspot for a long time in Zhongshans education innovation. However, vocational education is confronted with a great deal of problems, such as the internal balanced development and strengthening the ties with the outside. Therefore, its development has become difficulties and problems. This thesis makes a case study, which gives a brief summary of the secondary vocational educations basic condition in Zhongshan city from the standpoint of economy and industry development


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