
ADE7878评估板 UG 146.pdf

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ADE7878评估板 UG 146

Evaluation Board User Guide UG-146 One Technology Way •P.O. Box 9106 •Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. •Tel: 781.329.4700 •Fax: 781.461.3113 • Evaluating the ADE7878 Energy Metering IC FEATURES This user guide describes the ADE7878 evaluation kit hardware, Evaluation board designed to be used with accompanying firmware, and software functionality. The evaluation board contains an ADE7878 and a LPC2368 microcontroller (from software to implement a fully functional 3-phase energy meter NXP Semiconductors). The ADE7878 and its associated Easy connection of external transducers via screw terminals metering components are optically isolated from the microcontroller. The microcontroller communicates with the Easy modification of signal conditioning components using PCB sockets PC using a USB interface. Firmware updates can be loaded LED indicators on the CF1, CF2, CF3, IRQ0, and IRQ1 logic using one PC com port and a regular serial cable. outputs The ADE7878 evaluation board and this user guide, together Optically isolated


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