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第54卷  第10期 Vol.54ꎬNo.10 2017年10月 Oct.ꎬ2017 历史与文化 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001 ̄7003.2017.10.012 广西高山汉背带的造型特征与功能解析 1ꎬ2 1ꎬ2 牛  犁 ꎬ崔荣荣 (1.江南大学 纺织服装学院ꎬ江苏 无锡214122ꎻ2.江苏省非物质文化遗产基地ꎬ江苏 无锡214122) 摘要:广西高山汉背带是汉族特殊族群———高山汉的代表性服饰品之一ꎮ 它由少数民族的背带演化 而来ꎬ经过世代使用和改良ꎬ从而形成了该族群独具特色的服饰品ꎬ承载着丰富的民族文化内涵ꎮ 文 章通过对江南大学民间服饰传习馆馆藏广西高山汉背带实物的研究及笔者实地调查分析发现背带 整体呈“T”字形结构ꎬ各部分相互支撑ꎬ以保证婴童在母亲背上的安全性ꎮ 从功能性角度ꎬ高山汉背 带不仅具有解放双手的实用功能还具有寄托情感的装饰功能和连接亲情的礼仪功能ꎮ 关键词:高山汉ꎻ背带ꎻ服饰造型ꎻ服饰功能ꎻ族群服饰 中图分类号:TS941.12    文献标志码:B    文章编号:1001 ̄7003(2017)10 ̄0070 ̄06    引用页码:101301 Modeling Features and Functional Analysis of Gaoshan Han Straps in Guangxi 1ꎬ2 1ꎬ2 NIU Li ꎬCUI Rongrong (1. College of Textiles and ClothingꎬJiangnan UniversityꎬWuxi214122ꎬChinaꎻ2. Intangible Cultural Heritage of Jiangsu ProvinceꎬWuxi214122ꎬChina) Abstract:The Gaoshan Han strap is one of the representative costumes of Han ethnic group. It is evolved from the back straps of ethnic minorities. After the use and improvement for generationsꎬit hasformed the unique costume of the ethnic group and carries rich cultural connotation. Through the research on the material objects of Han straps collected at Folk Costume Studio of Jiangnan University and the authors field investigationꎬthe authorsfind that the straps are of “T” structureꎬand various parts support each other to ensure the safety of the baby on the back of the mother. From the functional perspectiveꎬGaoshan Han strap not only has the practical function of the liberation of both handsꎬbut also has a decorative function and the etiqu


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