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新世纪英语第一册 Unit One Occupations Text (课文练习) Translate the following sentences into English 烹调有各种不同的方法。(various) There are various ways of cooking . 我决定听从她的建议,早点儿睡觉。(follow) I decided to follow her advice and went to bed early. 这支医疗队由两名外科医生和四名护士组成。(make up of) The medical team is made up of two surgeons and four nurses. 你长大后想做什么?(grow up) What are you going to take up/ follow when you grow up? 警方怀疑这两起案件可能有关联。(link) The police suspect that the two crimes may be linked. 第二起交通事故涉及两辆小汽车和一辆卡车。(involve) The second accident involved two cars and a lorry. 律师仔细地将程序解释给我们听。(explain) The lawyer carefully explained the procedure to us. 女孩的脸上带着幸福的笑容。 (wear) The girl is wearing a happy smile. 音乐会有大量的观众。(audience) There was a large audience at the concert. 男孩比女孩在做警察方面更受到偏爱。(favour) Boys are favoured over girls as policemen. 许多家庭收集报纸以废物利用。(collect) Many families collect newspapers for recycling. 努力工作带来成功。(produce) Hard work produces success. 越来越苛刻的环境条例对经济的增长可能产生不利的影响。 (impact) Tougher environmental laws could have a negative impact on economic growth. 俱乐部的成员包括各行业的人。(walk) The members of the club include people from all walks of life. 暴力犯罪的增加是一种新的趋势。(trend) The rise in violent crime is a disturbing new trend 他给孩子的喉部动了手术,从而救了他的命。(operate) He operated on the boy’s throat, and saved his life. Supplementary Reading Translation 高中毕业生 大学毕业生(graduate) High school graduate university graduate 她是第一中学的毕业生 She is a graduate of NO.1 School. 克蕾丝以优异成绩从高中毕业了。(graduate) Chris graduated from high school with honors. 他的教书生涯非常成功。(career) His teaching career has been a great success. 他坚持说自己没病,不应该被送去医院。(insist) He insisted that he was all right and shouldn’t be sent to hospital. 我还没有把握该做些什么。(sure) I’ m not sure of what to do./ I’m not sure what I ought to do. 糟糕的管理导致了工厂的倒闭。(management) Bad management led to the failure of the factory. 对你所做的一切,我非常感激。(grateful) I’m so grateful


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