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基于UG的变椭圆活塞仿形加工装置设计 Design of ariable-ellipse Piston Machining Equipment Based on UG 摘 要 随着我国交通行业的飞速发展,对发动机的需求越来越多同时对发动机产品的性能和质量的要求也在不断提高。薄壁零件活塞作为发动机的核心零件其设计与加工都起着举足轻重的作用。现今广泛采用的各种变椭圆形的活塞为保证在高温高压的条件下活塞与汽缸体内壁之间自上而下间隙均匀把活塞制成裙部各截面上的椭圆度不断变化并且裙部母线也多为曲线的形状。加工制造这种特殊形状的工件虽然在大型企业可以用先进的数控加工技术解决但对于产品品种多变批量小设备较陈旧的中小企业则是一个难题。为了解决这种状况我们研究了一种操作简单、质量可靠、经济适用的工艺装备及加工方法。对现有的车床进行改进设计可以完全满足加工精度要求并取得了良好的效果。 为了解决中小企业加工变椭圆活塞既要节省设备投资又要保证加工精度的实际问题介绍了一种在现有车床上使用专用工装设备加工变椭圆的活塞的加工方法及工艺装备的设计。通过实际使用证明此工装设计合理,能保证活塞加工精度及要求。 本文针对加工变椭圆活塞的装置及其设计原理进行阐述,其加工部件主要有立体靠模装置和摆动刀架,对其进行参数设计,同时,利用CAD以及UG对立体靠模装置和摆动刀架进行设计。最后本文对摆动刀架的UG画法难点进行阐述。 关键词:车床活塞变椭圆 Abstract Along with our country transportation professions swift development, engines demand is getting more and more, and engine products performance and the quality request is also enhancing unceasingly. The thin wall components piston takes engines core components. Its design and the processing are playing the pivotal role. Nowadays widely uses each kind changes the ellipse the piston, the gap is from the top downward even for the guarantee between the high temperature high pressures condition lower piston and the cylinder block endophragm, makes on skirt department various sections the piston the ellipticity to change unceasingly, and skirt department bus bar also many for curve shape. The processing makes this kind of special shape the work piece. It although may use the advanced numerical control process technology solution in the Major industry, but changeable regarding the product variety a difficult problem to those small and medium-sized factories whose batch are small and the equipment obsolete. In order to solve the practical problem that the small and middle scale enterprises need not only to cut down the investment in equipment, but also to ensure the processing precision and requirement, this article introduced a machining method with a special-purpose equipment to process variable-ellipse piston, and briefed the equipment design method. In


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