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19 2 V o.l 19 No. 2 2010 4 JOU RNAL OF NATU RA L DISA STER S A pr. 2010 : 1004 - 4574 ( 20 10 02- 0161- 08 1 2 2 1 张建毅, 袁晓铭 , 孙 锐 , 蒋 锋 ( 1. , 06520 1; 2. , 150080 : , ( STC , , ( ( ( STC , - - , STC : , ; , ; , , ; , : ; ; ; : P315. 69 : A Tran sm ission of seism ic soil layer strain to und erground structure and its inf luen ce factors 1 2 2 1 ZHANG J ian-y i, YUAN X iao-m ing , SUN Rui , JIANG Feng ( 1. D epartm en t of D isaster Prevent ion Engin eer ing, In stitu te of D isaster Preven tion S cien ce and T echnology, Sanh e 06520 1, Ch ina; 2. Inst itu te of Eng ineering M echan ics, Ch ina Earthquake A dm in ist ration, H arb in 150080, Ch ina Abs tract: The stra in transm ission to underground structure from so il layer under earthquakes w as stud ied by intro- duc ing the concept of stra in transm ission coeffic ien t( STC accord ing to the deform ation principal fo r the under- ground structure during earthquakes. The influences includ ing the earthquake input mo tion, the so il property and the feature of the underground structure on STC w as investigated by u sing the two-dmi ensiona l non linear dynam ic FEM program. T he resu lts ind icate that the STC concept can ref lect the m echan ism and essence o f the dynam ic soil- underground structure interaction. The soil m odu lu s has a significan t effect on STC and show s a pow er exponent re-



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