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How much do you know about Thomas Jefferson? the third President of the United States 1st George Washington 2nd John Adams 3rd Thomas Jefferson 16th Abraham Lincoln 37th Richard M. Nixon the author of the Declaration of Independence What kind of man is Jefferson? Web sites for searching /presidents/ea/bios /history/presidents /thje/home.htm obtain : vt get through effort (formal) 1 The old woman obtained her degree at he age of 74. She won respect from others. ?______________________________. 2他们经过努力,得到了他们想要的东西。 They obtained what they wanted through hard work. Questions: What was Jefferson’s attitude towards “people of humble origins”? leave sth. to sb. Ill leave it to you to settle all the business. The task is left for you to fulfill. All right, leave it o me. Part III on p26 Questions 1 Jefferson was a man of great courage and idealist. What’s the reason for that? 2 Jefferson was an expert in many fields. Can you name some of them? Which one do you think is the most useful lesson for you? Why? 1.Go and see. 2.You can learn from everyone. 3.Judge for yourself. 4.Do what you believe is right. 5.Trust the future; trust the young Key sentences’ translation 1. 虽然杰斐逊生活在200多年前,但我们今天仍可以从他身上学到很多东西。 Translation 2. 按出身及其所受的教育,杰斐逊均属于最高的社会阶层。 Translation 3. 未经过认真的思考,杰斐逊绝不接受别人的意见。 Translation 4. 倘使让我来决定,我们是应该有一个政府而不要报纸呢,还是应该有报纸而不要政府,我会毫不犹豫地选择后者。 Translation 5. 在一个自由的国家里总会有各种相互冲突的思想,而这正是力量的源泉。 Translation 6. 每个问题都有两面,如果你坚持站在一面并根据它有效地采取行动,那么,站在另一面的那些人当然会对你的行动怨恨不满。 Translation 7. 杰斐逊认为,绝不可以用那些已经无用的习俗来束缚住“现在” 的手脚。 Translation 8. 他不害怕新的思想,也不害怕未来。 Translation 9. 杰斐逊的勇气和理想主义是以知识为基础的,他懂得东西比许多同时代的任何人都要多。 Translation 10. 他作为作家的才能很快被发现,所以,当1776年在费城要撰写《独立宣言》的时刻来到时,这一任务便落到了他的肩上。 Translation 11. 托马斯.杰斐逊对美国的教育事业作出了巨大的贡献,他认为,只有受过教育的人民组成的国家才能保持自由。 III Vocabulary Activities 1 1) a) besides b) except c)besides 2) a)have received b) accepted c)received, accept 3) a)discovered b)was invented c)discover


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