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Article dog vt. 跟踪,紧跟 Holmes found a man in black dogging him. 福尔摩斯发现一个黑衣人在跟踪他。 dog sb.’s steps 跟踪,尾随某人 He realized quickly that someone was dogging his steps. 他很快意识到有人在跟踪他。 She hurried away with anxious thoughts still dogging her steps. 她匆匆离去,但心中的忧虑挥之不去。 Article fore and aft 1) 从船头到船尾的 The captain ordered two flags to be placed fore and aft. 船长命令在船首船尾都挂旗。 ? The soldier was protected by armour fore and aft. 该士兵身体前前后后都有盔甲保护。 2) 前前后后, 来龙去脉 This book tells about his rags-to-riches success story of the fore and aft. 这本书讲述了他白手起家的前前后后。 look fore and aft 瞻前顾后 cultivate vt. 1) 培养,养成 I want to enjoy my own faculties as well as to cultivate those of other people. 我不但要培养别人的才能,还要享受自己的才能。 Students attend a boarding school would cultivate their independence as apart from their parents. 离开父母上寄宿学校可以培养学生的独立性。 2) 建立或发展(某种关系) I felt that he was a person I should like to cultivate. 我觉得他应该是一个我乐于结交的人。 Next Article 3) 采取(某种态度) I was really shocked that the riches cultivated an air of indifference at the sight of the miserable people. 到生活凄苦的人,那些富人竟然无动于衷,着实令我震惊。 4) 耕,耕作 To the pioneers’ surprise, the land by the river was cultivated. 令开拓者们诧异的是,河边的土地被人耕种过。 Article concentrate on 把注意力集中于,全神贯注于 Please concentrate on the business at hand and don’t drag in irrelevant issues. 请集中精力解决目前的问题,不要牵扯其他不相干的事情。 Article get off to 开始 If the Lakers cannot get off to a fast start, the entire season could quickly be put in jeopardy. 如果湖人队开局打不好,那么整个赛季将很快险象环生。 Article in recognition of 作为对……的承认,肯定 He was awarded a knighthood in recognition of his truly great contribution to medicine. 他因对医学的巨大贡献而被授予爵位。 Article hearty a. 1) 热情友好的 The speech was received with hearty rounds of applause. 听众对演说报以阵阵热烈的掌声。 2) 丰盛的 They liked to prepare rich hearty food and to see people eat it. 她们喜欢做非常丰盛的食物,然后看着大家吃。 3) 健壮的 She was still hearty and strong at 120 years and married a third husband at 92. 她活


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