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mature vi. 成熟,长成 Most species of sharks take many years to mature and have relatively few young. 许多种类的鲨鱼要花多年时间才能生长成熟,而且它们只有相对较少的后代。 a. 成熟的 He is more mature than other children of his age. 他比同龄的其他孩子要成熟。 Antonym: immature a. 不成熟的 She’s immature intellectually. 她在智力上还不成熟。? Article Article contribute to 1) 促成,促进 Narrowing the wealth gap between rural and urban residents will contribute to building a harmonious society. 缩小城乡贫富差距将有助于建设和谐社会。 2) 捐款,捐助 He offered to contribute to the Red Cross. 他主动提出向红十字会捐款。 There is widespread agreement that genes and environment interact in brain development. Article The new idea is that human cultures, which teach children what to believe and what to expect in life, interact with cell biology and molecular genetics to assemble the highly social human brain. Article a basic scaffold of connectivity that is formed according to genetic blueprints, a babys brain is not a miniature of the adults, but rather is a dynamically changing structure. Article Experience alters brain structure, chemistry and gene expression to sculpture immature neural circuits into adult circuitry. Article While the brain directs peoples activities in everyday life, the activities themselves shape the brain throughout life. Article 4. On the contrary, cultural relativism saw the newborn brain as a blank slate that evolution had no part in. (Para. 7) Against Darwin’s idea, cultural relativism thought the newborn brain was blank; evolution had no role in forging it. Sentence Paraphrasing Article 5. But that evolution did not occur in a relatively stable environment, he said, but rather during a period of unusual, extreme and rapid change in climate. (Para. 11) But evolution did not occur in a relatively stable way but rather during a period of unusual, extreme and rapid climate change. Sentence Paraphrasing Article Article sort out 1) 挑选出,(从一批中)挑出 They showed the how to sort out their garbage. 他们向居民演示


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