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Notice: Please register in NHCE online learning class 48 submit your summary before 11:30pm on September 30th watch the listed movies Movie List A Bug’s Life 虫虫特工队 (1998) Chicken Run 小鸡快跑 (2000) Lion King 狮子王 (1994) Finding Nemo 海底总动员 (2003) Singin’ in the Rain 雨中曲 (1952) High School Musical 歌舞青春 (2006) Mamma Mia 妈妈咪呀 (2008) My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女 (1964) Unit 2 Deep Concern Tasks Listen to the record get the general idea of the text Detailed study of the text Group discussion: Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? Text Structure Analysis Part Ⅰ(1-4) Part Ⅱ (5) Part Ⅲ (6-20) Part Ⅳ (21-28) Part Ⅴ (29) 1. I’ll go along with you no matter where you go. 无论你去哪我都跟着你。 2. Mary burst into laugh. 玛丽突然笑了起来。 3. What’s the smelly stuff on the table. (n.) 桌子上难闻的东西是什么? He stuffed the hamburger with one more piece of ham. (vt.) 他在汉堡包多加了一片火腿。 4. Grandma kept saying the story over and over. again and again. over and over again. ×again and over 奶奶一遍又一遍的重复着那个故事。 5. turn on light 开灯 ≠ turn off the light 关灯 turn up the radio 开大收音机音量 ≠ turn down the radio 关小收音机音量 6. The concerned department has promised a thorough inquiry into the metro crash. (adj.) 相关单位承诺彻底调查地铁相撞一事。 The couple thoroughly enjoyed their wedding trip. (adv.) 新婚夫妇非常享受他们的结婚旅行。 7. makeup 化妆 eyebrow pencil 眉笔 eyeliner 眼线 eye shadow 眼影 eyelash grower 睫毛膏 lipstick 口红 nail polish 指甲油 cosmetics 化妆品 8. I don’t know you care me that much. 我不知道你那么在乎我。 She has not been this happy for days. 她有好些天没这么开心了。 9. Sandy’s music makes her father upset. (adj.) 珊迪的


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