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过程指引起一种物质和(多种)物质的混合物发生物理变化或化学变化的操作或一系列操作。进入过程的 物料称之为对该过程的输入或进料,而离开的物料称之为输出或产品。 A process is any operation or series of operations that causes a physical or chemical change in a substance or a mixture of substances . The material that enters a process is referred to as input or feed the process, and that which leaves is called output or product. B.Braun 成立于 1839 年,从一个生产医药产品的小生产厂家不断发展,以成为一个跨国公司,现经营医药产品、医疗技术、药物及生物技术Founded in 1839 from a small production firm for pharmaceutical products, B. Braun has grown steadily into a multinational company dealing with medical products, medical technology, pharmaceutical and biotechnology. In the same way that a complex plant can be divided into basic unit operations, so chemical reactions involved in the process industries can be classified into certain groups, or unit processes (e.g., polymerizations, etherifications, and nitrations), have common characteristics.复杂的工厂可划分为基本的操作单元一样,过程工业中涉及的化学反应也可划分为一定的单元过程(如聚合、酯化、和硝化),它们具有共同的特性。 The notion of a processing plant encompassing a number of operations, such as mixing, evaporation, and filtration, and of these operations being essentially similar, whatever the product, led to the concept of unit operations.包括的一系列操作,如混合、蒸发、过滤,无论产物是什么,这些操作都基本同,从而导致了单元操作的概念。 chemistry involved in the process and to make sure that the chemist gets the reaction kinetic data and the physical property data needed to design, operate, and optimize the process 化学工程师必须与化学家紧密合作,以完全了解过程中涉及的化学知识,并要弄清化学家是否得到了过程设计、操作及优化所需的化学动力学数据及物性数据。steady conditions, and provided that the changes in pressure are small, it is usually possible to simplify analysis of the flow by assuming it is incompressible and has constant density.所有的液体是可压缩的——甚至水——他们的密度变化是压力的变化。稳定的条件下的变化,并给出在压力很小,通常可以简化假设流量分析是不可压缩的和有一定的密度。 5) In a region such as outer space, which is virtually void of gases, the pressure is essentially zero. Such a condition can be approached very nearly in a laboratory when a vacuum pump is used to evacuate a bottle. The pressure i


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