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宜宾职业技术学院 毕业论文 系 部 现 代 制 造 工 程 系 专 业 名 称 汽 车 运 用 技 术 专 业 班 级 汽 车 1091 班 姓 名 李 姣 学 号 200910908 指 导 教 师    张 元   2008 年 09 月 03 日 宜宾地区汽车售后服务行业竞争趋势分析 摘 要近年来,我国的汽车产业迅速发展,汽车的社会保有量稳步大幅提高。我国庞大的汽车保有量和快速的汽车销售增长,给汽车售后服务业的发展带来了巨大的成长空间。由于汽车售后服务行业在市场、客户、产品以及企业自身等方面的发展与变化,我国的汽车守护服务行业已经由过去简单的汽车修理修复,发展成为包括修理、保养、美容、装潢以及其他越来越多的各种延伸服务。汽车守护服务企业的类型也由过去单一的汽车修理厂,发展为维修厂、连锁维修企业、品牌特约维修服务企业、小型快修企业和汽车俱乐部等多种企业模式并存的格局。 随着世界汽车的发展,也紧随其后,然而我国汽车状况却不容乐观。为改变这一状况,促进我国汽车的健康有序发展,并使我国汽车,就必须充分了解汽车的现状。因此本文就汽的进行了调查分析,并提出了相应的措施。 Yibin area auto after-sales service industry competition trend analysis Abstract Author:Li jiao Tutor:Zhang yuan In recent years, Chinas auto industry developing quickly, the car has greatly increased steadily society. Our country huge auto possession and fast car sales growth and to the development of service industry of the auto after-sales brought huge growth space. As the car industry in the market after service, customers, products and enterprise itself, and other aspects of the development and changes in our country, the auto after-sales service industry has been made over the past simple car repair, development of repair, maintenance, including a beauty, decoration and other more and more various extension services. Auto after-sales service enterprise of the type also made over the past a single car repair shop, for enterprise development, chain enterprise, brand maintenance repair service enterprise, engage by special arrangement small quick repair enterprise and car club and other a number of enterprise mode coexist pattern. With the auto after-sales service industry development, China auto after-sales services have followed suit, however our country southwest auto after-sales service industry development situation is not optimistic. To change this situation, a promote the healthy and orderly development of the cars, and to make our country auto after-sales service furth


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