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第 29 卷 第 15 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.29 No.15 May 25, 2009 2009 年 5 月 25 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2009 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. 15 0258-8013 (2009) 15-0015-07 TM 344 A 470 40 文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码: 学科分类号: ⋅ Boost 变换器非线性电流控制方法 帅定新,谢运祥,王晓刚,周福星 (华南理工大学电力学院,广东省 广州市 510640) Nonlinear Current Control Method for Boost Converter SHUAI Ding-xin, XIE Yun-xiang, WANG Xiao-gang, ZHOU Fu-xing (College of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong Province, China) ABSTRACT: Based on input-output linearization theory, a 0 引言 novel nonlinear current control method for Boost converter and Boost 变换器是一种被广泛采用的电力电子开 its modification was proposed. Through stability analyzing the internal dynamics of the system, it was pointed out that the 关电路,通常采用电流内环及电压外环双环控制结 internal dynamics of the system is unstable under voltage 构,并获得良好的动静态性能,但对于 Boost 这样 control mode and it is stable under current control mode. It is 一个基本电力电子电路单元,双环控制结构稍显复 feasible to control the output voltage indirect through the 杂,控制代价较高,能否简化其控制结构,实现该 regulation of the inductor current. Then, a novel current control 系统的单环控制具有较为明显的理论及工程实用 law was derived. Experimental results show that under the 价值[1-12] 。 proposed current control law the inductor current can follow the 近年来,反馈线性化方法引起了大量研究者的 setting value precisely, while there exists steady-state error of the output voltage. Further, under consideration of the adjunct 关注,其核心思想是把一个非线性系统代数地转 parameters of the practical circuit, a modifi


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