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福建农业学报23( 1) : 39~ 43, 2008 : 1008- 0384 ( 2008) 01- 0039- 05 F uj ian Journal of A g ricultural Sciences 林 旋, 张伟妮, 林树根, 蒋丹萍, 王寿昆 ( , 350002) : A - PAS ( ) , A - PAS : , , ; 3 , ; , , ; , A - PAS ; , ; , , : ; ; ; ; : S 917 : A Type and distribution of mucous cells in skin, gills and digestive tracts of Ang uil la a ng uil la LIN Xuan, ZHANG We-i ni, LIN Shu-gen, JIANG Dan- ping, WANG Shou-kun (College of A nimal Science , Fuj ian A griculture and Forestry Univ ersity , Fuz hou, Fuj ian 350002, China) Abstract: Mucous cells in the skin, gills and digestive tract tubes of A nguilla anguilla were observed by the meth- od of A - PAS (alcian blue and periodic acid schiffs reaction) . T he results show ed that the mucous cells in the skin were only T ype , and in the gill lamella and gill filaments mainly Type , and . According to A - PAS, there were many mucous cells in the oesophagus, mostly belonging to Type and w ith a few Type . T here were a lot of surface mucous cells, all of Type, in cardia, fundic and stomaches. T he goblet cells in the front part of the gut w ere mainly Type and ; those in the middle, T ype and ; and those in the rear, T ype only. It was concluded that there w as a close relationship among the distribution, type and function of the mucous cells. Key words: A nguilla anguilla . ; skin; gill; digestive tract; mucous cells P lay tcep halus) ( Perca f luviatitis ) [ 1] [ 1] , , , ( Cdossoma sp ) [ 6] ( Cyp rinus , , [7] [ 8] carp io) ( Clar ias f uscus )


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