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Chapter 2: 汉英翻译基础知识 By Li Ruiying Exercises Explanation 浦东新区面积为522平方公里,现有人口156万 Covering an area of 522 square kilometers, Pudong New Area has a population of 1.56million. 新区成立10年来发生了巨大的变化,取得了举世瞩目的成就。 Since this new administrative district was established ten years ago, it has witnessed tremendous changes and made great achievements that have attracted wide attention from the world. 上海经济保持快速,稳定,协调发展的势头。 The economy of Shanghai has maintained the momentum of a rapid, steady and proportionate development. 浦东新区1990年的国内生产总值约为60亿元,1999年达到800亿元,年均速增20%左右。 Pudong’s GDP in 1990 was only about 6 billion yuan, but increased to 80 billion yuan in 1999 with an average annual growth rate of approximate 20 percent. 西安是古丝绸之路的起点,也是中国历史上建都最多的城市之一。 As the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, Xi’an was one of the cities that most frequently served as the capital in Chinese history. 汉英语言对比 从语言学角度来看,汉英语言的最重要的区别特征莫过于意合和形合的区分(Nida,1982)。 意合(parataxis) 指词语或句子间的连接主要凭借语义或语句间的逻辑关系来实现; 形合(hypotaxis) 则是指词语和语句间的连接主要依赖连接词或语言形态手段来实现。 在汉语里,句子连贯靠语义贯通,少用连接词,多用短语和分句,常省去连词和代词等 让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界。 发展体育运动,增强人民体质。 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家 英语句子紧凑严密,呈树形结构。在句子结构成分的铺排中,主语和谓语形成主轴,宾语,补语成分在主线上延伸,定语,状语成为支线。 其形合表现在词语,短语或分句连接成句子时必须有连接词(如however, but, so, since, 等),介词(如in, to ,about, with, of等),关系词(如that, which, who, when, where等)试比较: 我们为培养思维和训练而教数学,这两者都能扩展思维,增强学生为社会做贡献的能力。 we teach math for thinking and discipline, both of which expand the mind and increase students’ ability to function as a contributing individual in society. 不叫你进来不要进来 Don’t come in until I call you. 英汉互译时,要根据英汉语言的特点,进行形合和意合之间的转换。 她今天没来,母亲住院了 She did not come today because his mother was hospitalized. 那是舅舅抱着我,哄着我,我觉得很温暖。 Sitting on my uncle’s lap, being humored all the way, I was feeling very good. 汉译英时,在分析解读隐含的逻辑关系之后,要有意识的在译文中选择合适的英语语法形式,如连词,关系词,分词,动名词和不定时等。 没有调查就没有发言权。 He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. 中国将努力促进粮食增产,在正常情况下,粮食自给自足率不低于95%。 China endeavors to increase its grain production so that its self-suffic


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