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1997 年 2 月 系统工程理论与实践 第 2 期 公路施工网络计划技术若干实用问题研究 高 幸 李传习 (长沙交通学院, 410076) 摘要 在对公路施工网络计划技术进行实用研究的基础上, 就公路施工网络计划提出了工序划分五 原则; 明确了公路施工进度计划中的时日的两种表示法, 描述了它们之间的换算关系。并结合我国公 路施工进度计划管理的特点和人们制定施工进度计划时的现行思维方式, 探讨了工序隶属度的计算 方法, 在此基础上, 建立了考虑各工序隶属度的适合公路工程的单代号最小时距搭接网络的计算公 式。从而促进网络计划技术与公路施工的结合, 改变网络计划技术与公路施工特点脱节的状况。 关键词 公路施工 工序 隶属度 搭接网络 时日 Som e P ractical P rob lem s R esearch of N etw o rk T echn ique in H ighw ay Con struction   Gao X ing L i Chuanx i (Changsha Comm unication Institute, 410076) Abstract O n the basis of the p ractical research of netw o rk technique in h ighw ay con struction, th is paper advances five p rincip les of w o rk ing p rocedure about netw o rk tech nique in h ighw ay construction ,m akes clear the tw o show s of day in h ighw ay construc tion schedule p lan , and describes the conversion relation of them. Com bining w ith the characteristic of h ighw ay construction schedule m anagem ent in our country and the cur rent mode of th ink ing in w o rk ing out a construction schedule p lan , th is paper p robes in . to the calculation m ethod about the degree of subo rdination O n the basis of th is and considering the degree of subo rdination in w o rk ing p rocedure, the paper establish s the calculation fo rm ulae about m inium distance of tim e single code nam e overlapp ing net w o rk suiting fo r h ighw ay construction. T hereby, it p romo tes the com bination of net


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