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我国国有商业银行股份制改革探析 摘 要 从本质上来说,国有商业银行应该是一种金融中介机构,其基本功能应该是实现社会资金的有效配置,提供完善的社会金融服务。然而长期以来,作为所有者的政府则把国有银行作为机关来对待,相对重视它的国有特性,而忽视国有银行的“银行”属性。虽然改革开方20多年来国有银行相继进行了一系列改革,诸如,国有银行企业化改革、政策性金融与商业性金融分离,等等,却都是在不出动深层次问题的前提下进行的。 面对入世后外资银行的竞争压力,国有商业银行股改成功与否是其能否与外资银行抗衡的关键,今年年底,对外资银行所有业务的客户和地域限制将被基本全部取消,同时也将对外资银行全面开放人民币业务。随着中行、建行股改相继完成,对国有商业银行股改方案及其利弊的分析是具有现实意义的,并且可以为工行及农行的股改积累经验,提供参考。从而使国有商业银行体现其真正的“银行”属性。 对于国有商业银行股份制改革,主要要分三步走:一是消化历史包袱,进行财务重组;二是成立股份有限公司,进行公司治理改革;三是创造条件公开上市,最终接受市场检验。Abstract In essence, the state-owned commercial bank should be one kind of financial facilitating agency, its basic function should realizes the social fund effective disposition, provides the consummation the social finance service. However, since long ago, the government has regarded its state-owned characteristic, and neglected the the bank attribute or the state-owned bank. Although the reform and open policy has carried on for more than 20 years, All these are in does not touch the deep level question under the premise to carry on. Since we have entered the WTO, facing the foreign capital banks competition pressure, whether does the state-owned commercial bank stock change successfully or not is the key which contends with the foreign capital bank. The state-owned commercial bank joint stock system reform mainly must divide three step walks: Firstly, must digest the historical cloth wrapper, and carries on the financial reorganization; secondly, establish limited liability company, carries on the company to govern the reform; thirdly, create condition public offering, accepts the market examination. In the state-owned commercial bank joint stock system reform, the company governs is heavy center is heavy. According to the flaw of the state-owned commercial bank in governing at present, This paper carries on the analysis to the state-owned commercial bank joint-stock system reform in each kind of plans advantages and disadvantages, and proposed one way of many kinds of patterns unify the reform g



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