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报 刊 英 语 结 业 论 文 英语体育新闻的词汇特点 Lexical Features of English Sports News 学 院 外语学院 年级专业 09级英语专业2 班 学生姓名 王姗 学 号 0909603215 指导教师 刘力源 2011 年12 月 摘 要 自从1921年4月11日第一次播出体育活动开始,英语体育新闻就成为体育新闻在人们的日常生活中的一部分。随着体育运动的进一步发展和日益普及,英语体育新闻报道已经成为有效的途径及时让人们了解国内外体育界发生了哪些大事。英语体育新闻能体现词汇、句法、修辞特点。本文对英语体育新闻的词汇特点进行分析,帮助广大读者更好的了解体育新闻的语言特色,准确理解其中的信息传递体育精神 关键词:英语;体育新闻;词汇特点 Abstract Since the first broadcast of a sporting event took place on 11 April 1921, English sports news has become a part in people’s daily life. With the further development and increasing popularity of sports, English sports news has become one of the effective ways for people to know what is happening in the sports field at home and abroad. The English sports news can be characterized by lexical, syntactic and rhetorical characteristics. Based on the lexical features of the English Sports News, this paper explore the lexical features of the Sports News to help the readers understand better, which is also beneficial to the comprehend the information and the spread of the sport sprit. Key words: English; sports News; lexical feature Preface The sport is an eternal theme in people’s daily life; sport is a symbol of social civilization. With the rapid development of technological communication and mass media sports have attracted more and more attentions from sports lovers all over the world. The English Sports News has a significant position. The English sports news can be characterized by lexical, syntactic and rhetorical characteristics. As a result, mastering the language characteristics and translation strategies of English sports news can help readers understand English sports news easily and smoothly. It is necessary that make readers grasp the news. The lexical features of the sports news is obviously. If readers can’t get the information from the news, he can’t understand the meaning of the news. Therefore, the key to understand the news is


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