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摘 要 基于遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)平台,民勤石羊河下游地区1991和2009年遥感图像为基础的数据源,运用景观生态学理论和方法研究生态景观格局动态变化,并定性定量分析了土地利用和土地覆盖的时空演变,从自然因素和人文因素上探讨民勤石羊河下游地区域的土地利用驱动力,研究结果表明:该区域呈现以沙漠化景观为基质的草地,耕地和盐碱地景观等相对为主体的交错旱地景观格局;各类生态景观斑块的数量,面积及空间位置都发生了不同程度的变化,其中沙漠化景观和盐碱地景观的景观面积和板块数量变化量远大于其他景观类型;自然环境是土地覆盖与土地利用分布的基础条件,土地覆盖格局指导人类对区域土地的利用;人文因素是土地利用变化的诱导因素,直接体现在人口数目的增加和土地利用类型和利用程度的改变;发展经济的同时,按照一定的规划原则对土地进行利用,做到土地的合理开发与保护并重,实现土地资源的有序利用和区域的发展。 关键词:景观格局;动态分析;土地利用;驱动力 Abstract The space-time changes of land use and covering were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in terms of Land-sat data of downstream of Shi Yang River in MinQin during 1991 and 2009 based on GIS and RS techniques. The principle and technique of landscape ecology were used to study the landscape pattern changes ,and the land use driving force of Min Qin Shi Yang river was discussed in terms of natural and human factors . Results show that this the matrix of the study region ,and the mixed wetland landscape pattern is composed of wetland and relative principal parts of grassland ,cropland and saline-alkali soil . The number ,area and spatial position of different landscape types changed at different degrees ,among which the landscape area and patch number of high cover grassland and saline-alkali soil changed more obviously than those the landscape pattern. Natural environment is the basic condition of land use and covering , and the cover pattern directs human actions in land use and the human factors is the guiding factor for the land-use degree. Which the support of economic development and planning principles for land use ,the sustainable utilization and development of land could realize by rational development and conservation of the land in the study region. Key words: Landscape;Dynamic analysis;Land use;Driving forces 目 录 1绪论 1 1.1背景及意义 1 1.2研究现状与面临的问题 1 1.2.1研究现状 1 1.2.2景观格局分析面临的困境 2 1.2.3景观格局分析的未来发展方向 4 1.3研究内容与目标 4 1.3.1研究区域概况 4 2研究方法 9 2.1软件平台 9 2.1.1 FRAGSTATS软件 9 2.1.2 ARCGIS软件 9 2.2数据准备 10 2.2.1数字化图像 10 2.2.2将数字化图像的结果转化为grid格式


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