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Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 125, No. 2, pp. 349–355, April 2003 ?2003 ASME. All rights reserved. Up: Issue Table of Contents Go to: Previous Article | Next Article Other formats: HTML (smaller files) | PDF (297 kB) The Effects of Air Infiltration on a Large Flat Heat Pipe at Horizontal and Vertical Orientations M. Cerza B. Boughey US Naval Academy, Mechanical Engineering Department, Annapolis, MD 21402 Received: July 12, 2001; revised: May 13, 2002 In the satellite or energy conversion industries flat heat pipes may be utilized to transfer heat to the thermal sink. In this investigation, a large flat heat pipe, 1.22 m×0.305 m×0.0127 m, fabricated from 50 mil Monel 400 metal sheets and Monel 400 screens was videographed at horizontal and vertical orientations with an infrared video camera. The heat pipe evaporator section consisted of a 0.305 m×0.305 m area (one heated side only) while the side opposite the heated section was insulated. The remaining area of the heat pipe served as the condenser. In the horizontal orientation the heated section was on the bottom. In the vertical orientation the evaporator was aligned below the condenser. The sequence of photographs depicts heat inputs ranging from 200 W to 800 W, and the effect of air infiltration on heat pipe operation for both orientations. For the horizontal orientation, the air is seen to recede towards the small fill pipe as the heat input is increased. For the vertical orientation, the air and water vapor exhibit a buoyant interaction with the result that the air presence inhibits heat transfer by rendering sections of the condenser surface ineffective. The effects depicted in this paper set the stage for future analytical and experimental work in flat heat pipe operation for both normal and variable conductance modes. Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received by the Heat Transfer Division July 12, 2001; revision received May 13, 2002. A


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