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※专题论述 食品科学 2009, Vol. 30, No. 21 459 庞广昌,陈庆森,胡志和,刘爱国 (天津市食品生物技术重点实验室,天津商业大学生物技术与食品科学学院,天津 300?34) 2008 年,《食品免疫论》中提出了“获得性免疫悖论”,本文在对国外有关Fc 受体研究成果进行系统 分析和综述的基础上提出:获得性免疫,特别是抗体的Fc 端和多种先天免疫细胞上的Fc 受体结合不仅介导了母亲 和胎儿、母亲和婴幼儿之间的免疫传递、机体的ADCC ,而且构成了获得性免疫和先天免疫识别之间的必然联系。 特别是FcRn 作为IgG 载体,可以跨过黏膜上皮屏障、胎盘屏障转运IgG ,并控制IgG 的代谢和半衰期的发现和研 究为“获得性免疫悖论”找到了一个完美的答案,同时也为食品免疫,特别是婴幼儿配方奶粉的开发和研究奠定 了科学理论基础。 FcRn ;ADCC ;Fc 受体;获得性免疫悖论;食品免疫 Critical Role of Immunoglobulin in Maternofetal Transmission of Immunity PANG Guang-chang ,CHEN Qing-sen ,HU Zhi-he ,LIU Ai-guo (Tianjin Key Laboratory of Food Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134, China) Abstract :“The paradox of acquisition humoral immunity ” was propased in the book-food immunity published in 2008. This review summarizes the current understanding of the FcRn-mediated IgG metabolism and transport. Based on the results, the acquisition of the humoral immunity, especially Fc binding with Fc receptors is able to mediate the humoral immunity through maternofetal transmission of immunogolubins and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), but also estab- lish an essential association from acquisition immunity to innate immunity. One of the important Fc receptors, FcRn, is involved in transferring maternal immunity and protecting IgG from fast degradation throughout life. FcRn also mediates bidirectional transport of IgG across mucosal, the intestinal epithelial and placenta barriers. All the data have presented a good answer to the “paradox of acquisition humoral immunity ”, and meanwhile provided the scientific bases for food immunity and infant formula milk powder. Key words :FcRn ;ADCC ;Fc receptor ;the paradox of acquisition humoral immunity ;food immunity 中图分类号:


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