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年 级 五年级 学 科 英 语 课 题 Unit 1 Getting ready for school Lesson 1 教 学 目 标 知识目标:’t. 2.I bought a…. 3.were, was, just now, bought, schoolbag, bookstore. 能力目标:; 听懂运用句型Were you…?进行问答。 资 源 准 备 Tape recorder, cards, some cards. 教 学 过 程 资源应用 Ⅰ.Warmer: 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. Ⅱ.Presentation: 1.Review some words. pen, pencil, book, bag, school… 2.school+bag→schoolbag 3.T:Take your schoolbags, getting ready for school. We’ll learn Lesson 1. Ⅲ.New Lesson: 1.T:I want to buy a new bag. Where can I go? S: Supermarket. 找教案 2. I’m in the supermarket now. 3. book → bookstore in the bookstore He / She is in the bookstore. 4. now → just now Explain it is the past time. 5. Explain these verbs and the past tense. am / is → was are → were buy → bought 6.Change the sentences. I was in the … just now. I bought a …. 7.Were you in the …? Yes, I was. Practice the sentences in groups. 8.Ask and answer. 9.Learn to say. (1) Listen and point. (2) Listen and repeat. (3) Look and say. Ⅳ.Practice: 1.Look and say. 2.Work in pairs. Were you in the …? Yes, I was. 3.Play a guessing game. 4.Let’s chant. Ⅴ.Homework: 1.Read the text. 找教案 2.Activity Book Lesson 1. 实物及图片复习单词 听录音,课文跟读 听录音学习歌谣 教学反思与 建 议 五年级开始学习较难的过去时态,本课就要求掌握be动词以及buy这几个不规则动词的过去式,让学生先认识动词原形和过去式的关系,再在不同的句子中加以运用,反复操练,帮助理解,但要注意区分was 和were的单复数不同用法。另外几个新单词可由已学单词组合而成,并让学生用适当的方法识记单词,以达到更好的记忆效果。 年 级 五年级 学 科 英 语 课 题 Unit 1 Getting ready for school Lesson 2 教 学 目 标 知识目标:’t. 2.Where did you go? I went to the supermarket. 3.yesterday, did, went. 能力目标:….问答。 资 源 准 备 Tape recorder, some color cards. 找教案 教 学 过 程 资源应用 Ⅰ.Warmer: 1. Greetings. 2.Chant: Were you in the supermarket? Ⅱ.Presentation: 1.Review some words about color. white, black, red…. … is my favrite color. 2. Review the verbs: Was, were, bought. 3.Guess and answer. Were you in the supermarket ?Yes, I was./ No, I wasn’t. 4.板书课题:Lesson 2 Ⅲ.New Lesson: 1. New


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