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FZT(7) Crystal Growth Equilibrium in crystal growth The crystal growth must be thermodynamically stable at T and P of crystallization. Dependence of the melting point on pressure: Superheating is not possible Very slight supercooling required for growth FZT(8) Crystal Growth Distribution coefficient K0∽equilibrium constant if the crystal is neither growing nor dissolving as(eq):Equilibrium activity in the solid al(eq):Equilibrium activity in the liquid During growth,keff=effective distribution coefficient Try to reach keff=1!!! Dependency growth rate diffusion constant of the material in the melt. width of the diffusion layer FZT(9) Crystal Growth Control of the solvernt in Traveling Solvent Float zone technique: Solvent used for lowering the melting point,or reduce incongruent melting...... Goal:keep the solvent all along the growth if keff>1 Depletion of the solvent concentration close to the growing crystal Bulk of melt richer in solvent than growth region FZT(10) Crystal Growth Stability conditions (Heywang-1956) Include: sruface tension gravitation field. melt wetting the solid completely. negligible volume change FZT(11) Crystal Growth -Stirring Function of the melt viscosity Rotation of the feed >seed (20 vs 15mm/hr) -Stability of solid phase Is the crystal to be grown the most stable phase? Is the melting congruent? YVO3:incongruent melting when doped with Calcium TbMn2O5:decomposes in TbMnO3 and MnO4 BiFeO3:Bi2Fe4O9 and Bi25FeO40 stable phase observation of the phase diagram XRD of the melt and of the solid phase FZT(12) Crystal Growth FZT(13) Crystal Growth -Vapor pressure Increase the pressure of the sample chamber Excess of the compound with the highest vapor pressure -Power control and


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