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Politics Politics in the UK and the USA: 1. Form of state国家形态 2. Form and structure of government 政府形式和架构 3. Major political parties主要政党 Form of state 国家形态 Unitary state 单一制国家 Federation 联邦制国家,联邦 Confederation 邦联制国家,邦联 Focus: the power relationship between the national government and the local governments 关注点:国家政府和地方政府之间的权力关系。 Map of unitary and federal states Forms of state Federation Unitary states USA UK Canada Ireland Australia New Zealand Form of state of the UK The UK is a unitary state.英国是单一制国家 National/central government locates in London (England). 中央政府位于伦敦 4 constituent parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 四个组成部分 The UK evolved from England. 今日的联合王国发源于英格兰 Evolution of the UK 联合王国的演变 10th century, kingdom of England, kingdom of Scotland, several small kingdoms in Wales and Ireland. 1066, Norman Conquest of England 1282, conquest of Wales by Edward I “Prince of Wales” = heir apparent(法定继承人) of the English crown 威尔士亲王 = 英格兰王室太子 The birth of kingdom of Britain大不列颠王国的诞生 1542, the Laws in Wales Act annexed Wales to the legal system of England. 《威尔士法案》将威尔士纳入英格兰法律体系 - The Law of England applied to both England and Wales. English the only lang. for official purpose.英语成为唯一官方语言  Exclusion of Welsh from formal office.威尔士人不得担任官职 Britain  UKGB 大不列颠王国扩大为大不列颠联合王国 1603, king of Scotland became also king of England. 1707, Act of Union, Eng + Scot  United Kingdom of Great Britain with one parliament. 《联合法案》,成立联合王国,只有一个议会。 But England and Scotland kept separate legal systems, banking systems, Church (Anglicanism英国圣公会教会- Presbyterianism苏格兰长老教会), education systems. UKGB  UKGBI (3/) 1066 – the 14th century: England invaded continuously Ireland英格兰不断入侵爱尔兰 Late 14th century, decline rule of the English英格兰统治减弱 The 16th – 18th century, renewed conquest重新征服 1801, the Act of Union: UKGB + Ireland  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.《联合法案》,大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国 UKGBI  UKGBNI The 19th and early 20th century: Home Rule Movement, self rule not independence. 1916,


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