全球臻品汇意大利杰出艺术家推介ALESSANDRO VIANELLO中文介绍.ppt

全球臻品汇意大利杰出艺术家推介ALESSANDRO VIANELLO中文介绍.ppt

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全球臻品汇意大利杰出艺术家推介ALESSANDRO VIANELLO中文介绍

THANK YOU NAVAN EXCLUSIVE LUXEXPO TEL: 4007280578 EMAIL: LEADINGCULTURE@FOXMAIL.COM DETAILS OF THE DIGITAL PAINTING 领军全球臻品专属品鉴发布汇 NAVAN GLOBAL excluCUSIVE LUXEXPO ? ALESSANDRO VIANELLO DIGITAL ARTIST 意大利当代殿堂级 全息数码绘画艺术家 亚历山德洛 收藏限量绝品珍稀发售 领军全球臻品专属品鉴发布汇 NAVAN GLOBAL excluCUSIVE LUXEXPO ? Beyond reality 超越现实-艺术家的自述 I am a digital painter who lives and has his atelier in venice, italy.? In this wonderful city unique in the world, source of immense inspiration, you breathe a magical atmosphere rich in art in every calle, campiello and palaces: my artistic style was born here, inspired initially by the currents of past such as hyperrealism, impressionism , realism but influenced by modern and contemporary painting styles.? 我是一个以数字为生命的画家,工作室在意大利威尼斯。 在这个神奇的世界上独一无二的城市中,有着巨大的灵感来源,你呼吸的每一系列神奇的空气,与我一起沐浴在这丰富艺术氛围宫殿中。我的艺术风格、灵感就是在这里最初出世。各位看到的如同照相机高清晰拍出的超写实主义的手工绘画作品,如同穿越时空的印象派的能量流,便是受现代和当代现实主义绘画风格的巨大影响。 Beyond reality 超越现实-艺术家的自述 But my insatiable artistic research leads me to constant experimentation, exploring new forms of expression, anticipating trends and creating a unique style for a progressive, sophisticated public.? For having to disconnect from the way of thinking of other artists and painters, I invented this neo- futurist expressive language: an innovative mixed digital painting using the most advanced modern technologies.? 但我对于”艺术的“贪得无厌”的研究使我不断的进行尝试,不断的探索新的艺术表现形式,希望能预测到未来前行的趋势,先行的创造了这个独特的风格的作品。 在这一系列反叛了 其他传统思维模式的艺术家和画家的道路上,我创造了这个全新的未来语言的表达方式:采用最先进的现代高科技与娴熟的绘画技术跨界混合的全息数字版画作品。 Beyond reality 超越现实-艺术家的自述 One revolutionary style of modern art, wonderful example of digital fusion between photography, painting and sculpture, that I use to represent my go beyond reality through my personal artistic vision and engaging creativity with solid images and layered , rich and powerful , always in balance between attention to detail and the pictorial effect but always with the aim to surprise and


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