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St. Kitts Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯联邦 Citizenship by Investment 投资移民(公民身份) Citizenship by Investment 投资移民(公民身份) St. Kitts Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯联邦 St. Kitts Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯联邦 2,000 km to the southeast of Miami 据迈阿密南岸有2000公里 Two islands: 有两个岛: Nevis: 93.2 km2 尼维斯:93.2平方公里 St. Kitts: 168.4?km2. 圣基茨:168.4平方公里 The official and business language is English. 官方和商务语言为英语 A member of the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the British Commonwealth, Caricom and many other international organizations. 联合国成员国,美国组织,英联邦成员,加勒比共同体成员和其他国际组织成员 Home of the headquarters of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank 东加勒比中央银行总公司的所住地 The Head of State: Queen of England. 国家的首领为英国女皇 A well-functioning democracy based on the British parliamentary system. 有良好民主机制的英国议会制国家 St. Kitts Nevis St. Kitts Nevis Pleasant climate, particularly during the cooler months from December to March. 气候舒适,尤其是每年12月到3月比较凉爽 Friendly Workforce: well-educated and English-speaking. 友好的工作环境:良好的教育和英文语境 Good opportunities for investors. 对于投资者有着很好的机会 Friendlier Government: 友好的政府: tax breaks 税收减免 Guaranteed repatriation of profits 保证利润汇回 concessions on import duties 减收进口税 No-income or capital gains taxes 无收入税和资本利得税 no net wealth taxes 无净资产税 No-inheritance or gift taxes 无继承或赠与税 Citizenship by Investment 投资移民(公民身份) In operation since 1984 项目自1984年始 The oldest and the most reputable citizenship program in existence. 存在时间最长,最著名的投 资公 民身份的移民项目 Based on a contribution to the Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation (“SIDF” a public charity). 为糖行业多元化基金会做出贡献 (此基金会为公共的慈善机构) Starting January 2012, the only redeemable real estates options. 从2012年1月起,唯一一个可赎回的房地产项目选择 Reputable and Good Visa Free Travel 良好的信誉和旅行免签护照 Very well regarded passport (renewable every 5 years) 可以得到护照 (需每五年更新一次) Holders enjoy an excellent reputation and very good visa-free travel, including to all of the EU, Canada, Hong Kong, Switzerland, and others countries 护照持有人可具有良好的信誉和很好的免签旅行


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