新视野大学英语1 unit 2 words.ppt

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新视野大学英语1 unit 2 words

Unit 2 Words Expressions concern ① n. as concerns 关于 as far as... be concerned so far as... be concerned 关于;至于;就...而言 E.g. What is their concern?? 他们担心的到底是什么呢? ② vt. be concerned about 关心 be concerned over sth./ be concerned at sth. 为某事忧虑 be concerned with 牵涉到, 与...有关, 参与 E.g. The firms weak financial posture is starting to concern its stockholders. 这个公司的财政危机已开始困扰股东 That doesnt concern me. 那与我无关。 concern (1)to concern oneself with / in / about sth. 忙于;关心 E.g. More and more people are concerning themselves with environmental problems. 越来越多的人关心环境问题。 (2)as far as …is concerned 就…而言; E.g. The rise in interest rates will be disastrous as far as small firms are concerned. 就小公司而言,税率上调将是灾难性的。 concern (3)to be concerned in 与…有关/ 有牵连 E.g. He was concerned in the crime. 他与那起罪案有牵连。 Everyone concerned in the incident was questioned by the police. 所有与这起事件有关得人都受到警察的盘问。 concern (4)to be concerned with, 关于; E.g. Her latest documentary is concerned with youth unemployment. 她最近拍摄的那部记录片是关于青年失业问题的。 The story is concerned with a Russian family in the 19th century. 这个故事讲的是19世纪一个俄国家庭。 concern (5)to be concerned about / for 担忧 E.g. He has never been concerned about what other people think of him. 别人怎么看他,他从不担心。 Rescuers are concerned for the safety of two men trapped in the mine. 救援队员们对困在井下的两个人的安全感到担忧。 concern (6)to show / express concern for / about / over 担忧, 关心 E.g. A government spokesman expressed great concern for the lives of the hostages. 一位政府发言人对人质的生命表示关切。 click ① vi. E.g. The door clicked shut. 门咔哒一声关上了。 ② n. E.g. He saluted with a click of his heels. 他立正敬礼,鞋后跟发出咔哒一声。 blast ① v. E.g. The referees blasted their whistles. 裁判高声吹哨。 They need to blast a tunnel through the mountains. 他们需要在山中炸开一条隧道。 blast blast forth :(sounds) come out suddenly 声音突然响起 E.g. As she entered the room, the sound of rock and roll blasted forth. 她进房间后,摇滚乐猛然地想起了 blast off :To take off, as


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