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Anticholinergic bronchodilators In response to irritants such as cigarette smoke, the body produces a chemical messenger called acetylcholine that induces the airways to constrict. Anticholinergics are the only medications that act by blocking acetylcholine, thereby relaxing the muscle tissue and keeping the airways open.[24] Anticholinergic medications work via part of the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls airway size. In addition to helping COPD patients take fuller breaths,[24] maintenance use of anticholinergic medication may also help lower the incidence of acute exacerbations in COPD patients.[25] The American Thoracic Society, a leading medical authority on respiratory illnesses, recommends anticholinergics as the first line of maintenance therapy for patients with daily COPD symptoms.[9] The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease also recognizes anticholinergics as an important treatment for COPD.[19] Anticholinergics are most often administered through metered-dose inhalers, or puffers, as they are commonly called. The effects of the medication generally last from four to six hours, so physicians typically prescribe use four times a day.[9] Inhaled anticholinergics are minimally absorbed, resulting in relatively few side effects. Some common side effects of ipratropium bromide, an inhaled anticholinergic therapy, include cough and nervousness.[24] Anticholinergic bronchodilators, as a class, are the number one prescribed bronchodilator used in the treatment of COPD.[26] Currently, the leading anticholinergic medication prescribed by physicians is ipratropium bromide. It is sold alone under the brand name ATROVENT, Inhalation Aerosol or in combination with albuterol sulfate under the brand name COMBIVENT, Inhalation Aerosol. 抗胆碱类药物P O S S I B L E S I D E E F F E C T S ? Coughing ? Dry mouth ? Nausea ? Headache P O S S I B L E S I D E E F F E C T S You may notice after a few days: ? Fluid retention ? Increased appetite


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