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上机考试系统 摘 要 随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,学校教学和管理的信息化发展也有长足的进步,这就要求各个环节都均衡发展,从软硬件双方面把学校建设成一流的信息管理、教育教学的平台。本文设计开发的考试管理系统也是其中重要的一个方面。该系统本着减轻教师工作负担、提高工作效率、优化学生考试的流程,增强参加考试学生的身份识别,比传统的考试模式节省人力财力和时间。 系统分为三大模块:考试模块系统管理模块和用户注册模块。其中系统管理模块是进行题目的添加、存储和删除,是系统运行的基础;查询子模块实现了对学生考试信息查询。考试模块是客户端学生或教师通过自己的姓名和学号以及密码登陆系统,进入界面时由系统按照出题教师预先设置好的试卷结构从题库中随机抽取适合的题目,形成试卷。第三部分是用户注册模块,这一模块的任务是完成师生的注册和删除。 系统选用的开发软件是VB后台数据库为SQL Server。 本系统的开发采用结构化设计思想。系统说明书介绍了考试系统的开发初衷和背景,系统的开发工具结构化开发的具体步骤,其中包括实体-联系模型,数据流图,功能结构图等必要的图形说明。 关键词: 上机考试;考试系统;模块 Abstract Along with the fast development of computer technology, we have got big progress in the school and management. So it needs equal development in every part. The school will be building an information management and educational plat from hardware and software two sides. I developed this system is in order to reduce the teachers pressure, enhance the work efficiency, optimize the process of students testing, enhance the students identity and papers secrecy. It can save more labor money and time than tradition methods. The system is composed of three parts: system management module, examination module, registration module. System management module is in charge of questions’ adding saving and deleting. The subjecting is the base of the system; the second part is examination module, students can log on the system by his name and number, and then turn into the examinations screen, the system will give random questions to the students. Finally come into an exam paper. The third part is users’ registration module. This modules task is to complete the students and teachers registration and deleting. The development software that the system chooses is VB, background database is SQL Server The system’s development adopts ideas of construction designing. The system introduced the original intention and background of the examination system, the development tools of the system, the detail process of construction development is made up of the entity-model, the data stream chart


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