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唐山饮食老字号营销策略创新研究 摘 要 像众多中华老字号一样,唐山饮食老字号,有着悠久的历史,深厚的文化内涵,精湛的工艺,很高的顾客忠诚度。且随着唐山地区经济建设的迅猛发展,唐山饮食老字号迎来了前所未有的机遇。但目前唐山饮食老字号在服务和创新上还存在着一定的问题,同时市场的变化,餐饮业竞争日益激烈,使这些老字号的发展受到了新的餐饮形式以及多业态的餐饮集团的挑战。本文在研究唐山饮食老字号发展现状的基础上,结合前期问卷调查的分析数据,以及对这些老字号发展的SWOT分析研究,提出了唐山饮食老字号在产品、价格、销售渠道、促销等四个方面的营销创新策略。 关键词 饮食老字号;SWOT研究;营销策略 The Research on Innovation of Tangshan Traditional Known Diet Brands Abstract Like many Chinese traditional known brands, Tangshan traditional known diet brands, have the glorious history, deep cultural connotation, exquisite craft and high customer loyalty. And also along with Tangshan area economic swift and violent development, Tangshan traditional known diet brands have welcomed the unexpected opportunity. But, at present Tangshan traditional known diet brands also has certain problem in the service and the innovation. The market changing and the fierce market competition have made these traditional known brands received the challenge from the form of new restaurants as well as the multi-business Restaurant Group. So this paper, basing on the research of development current situation of Tangshan traditional known diet brands, combined with pre-analysis of survey data from the questionnaires, and associated with the these traditional known brands development SWOT analysis research, has raised the innovation of the marketing strategies, in the Product, Price, Place and Promotion, for the Tangshan traditional known diet brands. Keywords Traditional Known Diet Brands; SWOT Analysis Research; Innovation of the marketing strategies 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 第2章 唐山饮食老字号的发展历程 2 2.1 鸿宴饭庄的发展历程 2 2.2 唐山老字号烧鸡的发展历程 2 2.3 唐山麻糖的发展历程 3 第3章 唐山饮食老字号的发展现状及调查 4 3.1 唐山饮食老字号的发展现状 4 3.2 唐山饮食老字号的发展现状调查 5 3.2.1 问卷设计 5 3.2.2 问卷的发放 5 3.2.3 问卷的数据分析 5 第4章 发展唐山饮食老字号的SWOT研究 7 4.1 发展唐山饮食老字号的优势 7 4.1.1 技艺独到 7 4.1.2 口味具有较浓郁的地方特色 7 4.1.3 品牌文化历史深厚 8 4.2 发展唐山饮食老字号的劣势 9 4.2.1 观念守旧,缺乏创新 9 4.2.2 服务意识淡漠 9 4.2.3 政府对唐山饮食老字号的扶持发展方向不明确 9 4.2.4 制作工艺效率较低 10 4.3 发展唐山饮食老字号的机会 10 4.3.1 唐山的地缘区位 10 4.3.2 新唐山建设经济契机 10 4.3.3 健康唐山行


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