[中学联盟]江苏省连云港市东海晶都双语学校八年级英语下册《Unit1 Past and present》word list1课件.pptVIP

[中学联盟]江苏省连云港市东海晶都双语学校八年级英语下册《Unit1 Past and present》word list1课件.ppt

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[中学联盟]江苏省连云港市东海晶都双语学校八年级英语下册《Unit1 Past and present》word list1课件

2. Learn from each other.(4 One speaks Chinese, the other reads English. You should help each other. Have a match. Who reads best? (2). Please remember the long words according to the syllables.(2) factory fac tory improve im prove situation si tu a tion realize re a lize interview in ter view (3). Remember their Chinese. Work in groups.(5 One speaks English, the others speak Chinese. Have a match. Who remembers the most? 6. There was less air _______(污染) here two months ago. 7.Whats on TV? A reporter is having an i_______ with President Obama. 8.Mr Chen lived a______,but he didn’t feel l_____. 9.I have lived in Donghai _______(自...以来) I was born. 10.People often throw the_______(废品) into the river. * Unit1 Past and present 【Words from (6 ) to (11)】 Learning aims: 1. To know and read the words from (6) to (11) on Page140 correctly. 2. To remember the words according to their pronunciation and Chinese and use them correctly. Guide One 1.Learn to read the new words. Please try to read the words from (6) to (11) on Page 140 and try to find out the words which you can’t read.(2) Please just listen and learn the words which you can’t read.(1) Now read after me, please correct your pronunciation. Pay attention the intonation (2). Guide Two 1. Remember the words quickly.. (1).Work in pairs. One reads, the other spells.(5) Have a match. Who has a good memory? (4).Let’s have a dictation. Have a match. Who can remember the most words?(5 Practice in class(15 一.根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子: 1.Mr Li u_____ to go to work by bike, but now he often drives. 2.Kitty got_____(结婚的) last year. Her h_______ is a computer engineer. 3.Have you______(曾经) thought of moving to a big city? No, never. 4.I want to go travelling,_______(但是), I have no idea where to go. 5.At last I ________( 意识到)I was wrong .



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