山东省烟台市黄务中学2015届九年级下学期第6周英语:unit 3.2备课(一).docVIP

山东省烟台市黄务中学2015届九年级下学期第6周英语:unit 3.2备课(一).doc

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山东省烟台市黄务中学2015届九年级下学期第6周英语:unit 3.2备课(一)

教学 年级 初三英语 下 教学时间 年 月 日 第_周第 课时 课 题 Unit 3.2 Where would you like to visit? 课型 听说 课 主备 教师 孙晓宁 二次备课教师 于泽洋 教学 目标 1.知识目标: 能运用以下句型进行交际。 Where would you like to visit ? I’d like to visit some where relaxing 掌握词汇 thrilling, fascinating, peaceful, tiring, educational, exotic, boring, fun 2.能力目标:能从所听到的对话中获取信息。 3.情感目标:熟悉一些与旅游相关的词汇,表达想去某地或不想去某地,谈论去一个自己想去的地方,培养热爱祖国大好河山的情感。 教 学 重 点 难 点 1.重点。 would like 的用法;由关系副词where引导的定语从句 2.难点。 熟悉一些与旅游相关的词汇,表达想去某地或不想去某地,谈论去一个自己想去的地方。 教学 资源 课本、录音机 教法与学法简述 通过为学生创设语言情境,使学生在交流中掌握目标语言。 通案内容设计 个案内容设计 教 学 内 容 一、目标定向 1.Learn the new grammar. 2.Enable to master the new grammar. 3.Try to complete Section A 1a—1c. 二、自学尝试 1. 1a Write adjectives to describe the vacations in the picture below. Use adjectives from the box and other adjectives you know. 2. Listen to the recording and complete the chart . 3. Listen again and try to understand the tapescript. 三、小组合作 1.Read the tapescript of 1b on Page 76 in groups. 2.Work in groups to use the information in 1b to make conversations. Main points: A:Where would you like to go on vacation? B:I’d like to trek through the jungle , because I like exciting vacations. 四、交流展示 Ask some groups to act out their conversations in class. Others should listen careful and take notes, then answer some questions about their conversations. * According to their action, different students will get 1-3 points. 五、点拨引领 1.Sum up the groupwork and the points that the groups got. 2. Point out some main points about the listening practice by the teacher. 六、当堂训练 1. Do exercises on test paper Unit3.2. 2. Discuss the answers in groups. 3.Ask some groups to explain some difficulties. 4. Point out some main points by the teacher. 七、反馈检测 Complete the quiz Unit3.2 Step1、Organize teaching Step2、Review the main points of last period. Step3、 Learn the new lesson: 1a1c Teaching process: 一、自学尝试 1. 1a Write adjectives to describe the vacations in the picture below. Use adjectives from the box and other adjectives you know. 2. Listen to t



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