10 仿真原理及U-Net工具.ppt

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10 仿真原理及U-Net工具

Link budget Analysis Setup network Design Run Pilot Field Strength Prediction Pilot Level OK? Traffic Forecast Avail? Run UMTS Traffic simulation Setup fixed Load values Make predictions (Services) Performance Requirements Fulfilled? Neighbors planning Scrambling code allocation RNP Input Equipment configuration Neighborhood planning criteria Scrambling code allocation criteria Output parameters YES NO YES NO YES NO Traffic model 系统仿真流程 业务数据库 Environments User profiles Terminals Mobility type Services 话务环境名称:可考虑以地形分类为名称,如城区、郊区等 在每种话务环境中每种用户对应的移动性类型及每种用户的密度(用户数/km2) Environments(1) List of user profiles with associated mobility and density Environment type name 各种地物中话务的分配比例,分为室内和室外。 Environments(2) Possible clutter weighting in order to get an accurate user distribution 名称——可考虑以用户所在的地区的地形特征为名称,如城区用户,郊区用户 等。或者根据用户行为定义,如高端用户、低端用户等。 用户行为——每种用户使用的每种服务的频率。 以上数据可根据市场调研结果或OMC统计结果或规划目标来设定。 User profiles User profile name Which service with which terminal Usage frequency with different definition Circuit : average number of calls per hour, average duration of a call in seconds Packet : DL and UL packet efficiency factors (unsuccessful data retransmission) 名称——可考虑以速率为名称,如50km/h,90km/h,步行速率等。 Ec/Io门限——进入手机终端Active set所需要的最小Ec/Io值。 该值的大小与手机终端的移动速率有关。 以上数据可参考WCDMA/UMTS规范或现网经验数据。 Mobility type Pilot quality threshold (depending on speed) to define the best server of a mobile active set Mobility type name Name:手机终端名称。 Min Power:手机终端最小发射功率,单位dBm。Max Power:手机终端最大发射功率,单位dBm。 Gain:手机终端天线增益,单位dB。Losses:手机终端天线损耗,单位dB。 Noise figure:手机终端噪声系数,单位dB。Active set size:激活集大小。 DL rake factor:下行速率因子。 Terminals Minimum and maximum allowed power (UL) during power control simulation Gain and loss in terminal Noise figure used in the DL load factor determination Active set size : number of transmitters which can be connected to a mobile (maximum 4 in UMTS) DL rake factor used for the signal recombination at the terminal Terminal name Services(1) Service name Min and max allowed transmit


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