2015年春八年级英语下册(冀教版)导学案:Unit 5 Lesson 27 Business English.docVIP

2015年春八年级英语下册(冀教版)导学案:Unit 5 Lesson 27 Business English.doc

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2015年春八年级英语下册(冀教版)导学案:Unit 5 Lesson 27 Business English

科目 英语 课题 Lesson 27: Business English 主备人 XingYouming 审核人 学案 类型 新授 学案 编号 Yy2014820027 学 习 目 标 知识与能力:New words: everyday ladder position congratulate account 过程与方法:speaking,writing,reading and speaking 情感态度和价: 乐于接触并了解异国文化 重点: 掌握本课语言点 难点: Talk about Business 学法指导及使用说明 :自主学习,合作探究 知识链接: 树立自主学习的概念和意识 预习案 Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语意思写单词。 1. My job doesn’t     (包括) making coffee for everyone. 2. I believe you’ll get a better     (职位) in a year. life. 3. Kate was afraid of falling off the     (梯子). 4. Surfing the Internet has become part of     (每天的) life. 5. The old man doesn’t have a bank     (账户). 疑难解惑 1. Buy something at a low price, and then sell it at a high price. 低价买进,高价卖出。 at a low/high price 意思是“以低价/高价……”,price常与介词at连用,表示“以……的价格”。例如: I bought this house at a price of 1000 000 yuan. 2. It makes sense, right? 这很有意义,对吧? make sense意思是“讲得通;有道理,有意义”。例如: This doesn’t make sense. 这一点都不合理。 Everything will start to make sense. 所有事都说得通了。 Do you think it makes sense? 看这行得通吗? 1) congratulate sb. on意思是“就……向某人表示祝贺”。例如: She congratulated him on the birth of his son.她祝贺他喜得贵子。 He congratulated him on having passed the exam.我们祝贺他通过了考试。 2) congratulate 后也可以加that从句。例如: I should congratulate you that you resisted the temptation. 我应向你祝贺,你抵制住了这种诱惑。 4. There are many more interesting business terms including… 有很多商业用语,包括…… include为动词,意思是“包含,包括”。例如: The price for the hotel includes breakfast. There are many different kinds of moon cakes, including fruit, chocolate and nuts including是include的现在分词/动名词,一般被当作介词使用,和其后的名词/代词一起形成介宾短语,意思是“包括……在内”。 included也有介词用法,including+宾语=宾语+included。例如: There are 40 students in the classroom, _________me. = There are 40 students in the classroom, me _________. 即时练习. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The new movie is much     (interesting) than that one. 2. It’s not easy for me     (understand) business English. 3. Have you ever heard the     (say) “A good beginning makes a good ending”? 4. Wendy learns English by



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