江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语牛津译林版上册 Unit 2 教案 Reading II.docVIP

江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语牛津译林版上册 Unit 2 教案 Reading II.doc

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江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语牛津译林版上册 Unit 2 教案 Reading II

Reading II Teaching aims: To understand the uses of the important phrases and sentences in the article; To get some further information about the article Teaching steps Step 1 Revision Retell the article. Did you know that colours can ___________our moods? Did you know what the different colours __________? For example , blue can help you feel ________. However, it can also mean __________. I prefer warm colours such as orange. Orange represents _________and can____________ if you are feeling sad. Do you like green? Green can give you _______; it also represents envy. ______ can help you when you are having __________ making a ________ . What is your favourite colour? e.g. Lu Xun’s works have strongly influenced millions of people. 鲁迅的小说影响了数以万计的人。 What influenced Mike to make that decision? 什么影响了迈克,让他做出了那个决定? Cell phones / The Internet have / has an important influence on our life. 手机/互联网对我们的生活影响很大。 Their mother is a good influence on their habits. 他们的母亲对他们的习惯有好的影响。 请根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。 1) 老师对学生有很大的影响。 Teachers __________ a great _____________? students. 2) 受父母的影响,李梅成为了一名医生。 Li Mei’s parents __________ her ________ a doctor. 3) 他的成功影响了其他的工人。 His success _______________________. 4) 谁对你的人生有重大影响? Who ____________________________ on your life? 2. You may wonder whether it is true. 你可能会想知道这是否正确 whether conj. 是否;无论;不管 whether it is true 为wonder 的宾语从句 whether常与or连用,表示一种选择,意为 “是……还是……;不管是……还是……” e.g. Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me.? ? 下不下雨对我来说都一样。 John doesn’t know whether to go to college or not. 约翰不知道是否应该上大学。 whether可引导宾语从句,表示“是否”, 可与if互换使用 e.g. I don’t know whether / if my sister will catch the early bus. 我不知道我的姐姐是否能赶上早班车。 I wonder whether I can get some advice from you. 我想知道你是否能给我一些建议。 whether可引导表语从句 e.g. The problem is whether Tom will get good grades in such a short time. 问题是在如此短的时间汤姆能否取得好成绩。 whether还可引导同位语从句。 e.g. Mrs. Wang has answered the question whether Linda can join the club. 王先生回答了琳达是否能加入俱乐部的问题。 请根据汉语意思



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