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* 培训资料 目录 / Contents 什么是六西格码精益生产? What is 6 Sigma Lean ? 为什么要进行六西格码精益生产? Why 6 Sigma Lean ? 什么是七大浪费? What is 7 + 1 waste? 我们该如何排除浪费? How can I contribute to eliminate waste? Jidoka Jidoka 5S 5S 设备效率 OEE 快速换线 SMED Basic beliefs of “Lean” 员工安全 Safety(People) 不忽略每一个步骤的过失 A defect should not be passed on at any step. 零缺陷品质制度必须规划并建立 Zero defect quality must be designed and built in. 运输 Delivery(JIT) 成本 Cost (MUDA) 什么是六西格码精益生产? / What is 6-Sigma Lean ? 员工是公司最重要的资产 People are the most important asset of the company. 计划安全的工作环境 Design Safe work places. 质量保证 Quality(Jidoka) 无论何时何处都根据需要的数量进行生产 Make products only when and where needed in the quantities needed 消除所有浪费和排除不必要的存货 All waste must be banished and unnecessary inventory eliminated. Customer Satisfaction 为什么要六西格码精益生产?/ Why 6-Sigma Lean ? 满足客户需求 To meet customer demands. 客户只会为有价值的行为买单 Customer is willing to pay for only value-added activities. 没有价值的行为会增加生产的成本 Non-value added activities add cost to manufacturing. 要想在竞争激烈的商业环境下生存,就必须最充分地利用资源 To survive in this competitive business environment, there is a need to maximise utilisation of resources. 保持公司的收益 Sustained profitability of the company. 对于公司 For the Company 对于个人 For You 为了旭电的安全工作 Job security for Solectron Penang. 集中你的时间成就有价值的分派任务 Focus your time and effort on valuable tasks. 停止步行/检查/查找/重做和其他一些无价值的行为 Stop walking, checking, searching, reworking and other non-value activities. 加入到工厂的成功当中 Involved in the success of the Plant. 你的技能和领导能力的提高从而得到认可 Your skills and leadership development and the opportunity to be recognized. 客户愿意付钱, 并使产品发生转变或给产品增加价值的行为才是有价值的生产活动 Activities that transform the products, or add value to the products which the customer is willing to pay for. 例如 / Examples: 贴装元件 Mounting components on the board; 集成电路程序烧制 Programme IC 印刷电路板放入盒子 Secure PCB to the chassis; 手工插装元件 Handload the components; 波峰焊操作等 Wave solder the PCB etc 什么是有附加值的活动?/ What are Value-Added (VA) activities ? 什么是可增加附加值的行为?/ What are Value–Enabled (VE) activities ? 不增加附加值但是



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