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NBA Where amazing happens History NBA is the abbreviation of :National Basketball Association Founded in New York ,United States on June 6,1946 . ~ ~At first, there were only 11 teams, In the after years ,some teams joined NBA one after another, Now, the team sum is reached 30. The game is divided into three stages: regular season (常规赛),play-offs(季后赛) ,finals(总决赛) TERMS术语 MVP: most valuable player(最有价值的人) Guards:后卫 Center : 中锋 Point guard:得分后卫 Shooting guard :组织后卫 Power forward:大前锋 Small forward :小前锋 Swing man:(锋卫摇摆人,全能) Etc………. Players The guys, even though some of them have retired already, cannot play basketball because of his injures , or can not play basketball in NBA anymore, Yet their spirit still exists, NEVER GIVE UP !!! Michael Jordan Flyer(空中飞人) Point guard (得分后卫) the founder of Bulls dynasty (公牛王朝的缔造者) Now, he is a legend Tracy McGrady T-MAC Swing man (锋卫摇摆人) Myth:13 points in 35 seconds(35秒得到13分并完成绝杀) vs Spurs(马刺) injure-ridden(伤病缠身)and now played in Detroit Pistons (底特律活塞队) waiting for his return (等待他王者归来) I believe Big Yao 229 cm Center(中锋) Number One Scholar (状元)in 2002‘s draft(选秀) He and T-Mac is partner(姚麦组合) Allen Iverson (艾弗森) Nickname:The Answer(答案) Guard won four times scoring champion,2 MVP in all stars(四次得分王,2次全明星MVP) I am what I am. “I am not afraid of Jordan! ” No brother,no basketball!!(无兄弟,不篮球!) So ,he is playing in Turkey(土耳其) Flying Warrior (小飞侠):Kobe Bryant Point guard The leader of Lakers dynasty Innumerable honors Got 81 points in single-game VS Toronto Raptors (多伦多猛龙) BIG THREE(三巨头) Emperor:Le Bron James (皇帝,老北京) Swingman Flash:Dwyane Wade (闪电侠) Point Guard Dragon king:Chris Bosh (龙王) Power forward Boston Celtics The truth :Paul Pierce (真理) Swingman King of Wolf:Kevin Garnett (狼王) Power Forward Cold-blooded Gentleman :Ray Allen (冷面君子) Point guard * PLAYERS TERMS TEAMS HISTORY TEAMS * * * *


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