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Doomsday BookAndFeudalism After the Norman ConquestMade By: 杜薇、梁维江Doomsday BookComplied: in 1085---1086Ordered by: King WilliamⅠHistorical Records:⑴The earliest public record;⑵The foundation document of the national archives;⑶A legal document that is still valid(有效) as evidence of title to land.Content:Describe in remarkable detail, the landholdings and resources of the late 11th-century England;Demonstrate the power of the government machine in the first century of the new Millennium(千年), and its deep thirst for information.Used for: administrative and legal purposesNicknamed: from native English, after God’s final Day of Judgment.Records:All land and property, as well as every mill and cottage, as well as every cow and pig.The rights and duties of every landowner and every court.Evaluate: The Doomsday Book is the first great national survey of England, a record of who owned every piece of land and property in the kingdom. Feudalism After the Norman ConquestTime: After William defeated Harold at the Battle of Hastings.Question:-Why couldn’t William rule every part of the country himself ?-Not only was travel difficult and slow in the 11th-century, he was also still Duke of Normandy and he had to return to Normandy to maintain his control of this land in France.Steps:⑴Build his own castle---the Tower of London---so that it dominated the city.⑵Build the first castle at Windsor.→Castles represent a visible threat to the people of England.Establishment:Divide up England into very large plots of land.Give these lands to those noblemen.P.S.: These noblemen had to swear an oath to William: collect taxes; provide the king with soldier when they were told to do so. Hierarchical System:The King↓Lords (Barons, Earls and Dukes.)↓Knights↓The Conquered PeopleP.S.: In the terms of the feudal system,I. Barons, Earls and Dukes→Tenants-in-Chief.II. The knights→Sub-Tenants.The End!Thank You~


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