【备课精品】九年级英语(新)鲁教版全册Unit8 We’re trying to save SectionA(3a-3c)精品教案.docVIP

【备课精品】九年级英语(新)鲁教版全册Unit8 We’re trying to save SectionA(3a-3c)精品教案.doc

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【备课精品】九年级英语(新)鲁教版全册Unit8 We’re trying to save SectionA(3a-3c)精品教案

Unit8 SectionA(3a-3c)精品教案 I. Revision Role-play 2d. Translate these sentences into English. ①甚至是河底都满是垃圾。 ②这个小镇上的每个人都应该参加打扫。 ③骑自行车有其它的优点。 ④我买外卖食品从来不拿木筷子和塑料叉子。 (1) Teacher tells students the earth is badly polluted. What should we do to save the earth? Let’s take action. For example: ①Turn off the lights when you leave a room; ②Take buses instead of driving cars ③Recycle books and paper. (2) There are some animals are endangered. We should do something to protect the animals and the environment! III. Discussion (1) Have you ever seen a shark? (2) What do you know about sharks? IV. Reading Sharks are endangered, read the passage and judge the sentences. ①Shark’s fin(鱼鳍)soup is famous and expensive all around the world. ②We have to kill a whole shark to get a bowl of shark’s fin soup. ③People cut off sharks’ fins and throw the sharks back into the ocean. ④Sharks are in the bottom of the food chain in the ocean’s ecosystem. ⑤WildAid and the WWF are environmental protection groups in China. ⑥Shark’s fin s are good for health. Complete the fact sheet in 3a. Where shark fin soup is popular ? Number of sharks caught and traded every year How much the numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen in the last 20 to 30 years Two environmental groups which are against “finning” V. Practice (3b) (1) Read the passage and dill in the blanks with the words in the box. 1. Many people do not realize they are killing a whole shark ______ they enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup. 2. Sharks are at the top of the food chain, ____ if their numbers drop, the ocean’s ecosystem will be in danger. 3. Many think that sharks are too strong to be endangered, _____ they are wrong. 4. _________ there are no scientific studies to support this, a lot of people believe that shark fins are good for health. 5. Sharks may disappear one day ___ we do not do something to stop the sale of shark fins. (2) Retell the passage according to the words below. shark’s fin



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