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Lesson 3 An unknown goddess;Vocabulary;temple-圣堂, 神殿, 庙宇, 寺院 ancient-远古的, 旧的 very old promontory-缩写 prom.岬,海角 prosperous-繁荣的; prosperity n.繁荣 --a prosperous business-兴旺的事业 --prosperous leaves-茂盛的树叶 civilization-文明, 文化, 文明社会 --civil-有礼貌的:充分地遵守或符合公认的社会习俗的 civil-ize-ation storey-[建] 层 the first storey, the first floor decorate-v. 装饰, 为...做室内装修 --decorate a house for New Year装饰房子过新年;equip-v.装备, 配备 --be equipped with装[配]备; 安装 --equip sb. With 用...装备起来, 使装[具]备 --equip oneself 整装, 预备行装, 装备自已 drain v.排出 drainage system排水系统 clay-n. 粘土, 泥土 a clay pipe陶制烟斗; 陶管 worship-vi.敬神, 拜神;vt.崇拜, 尊敬 sacred-adj. 神的, 宗教的, 庄严的, 神圣的 --The cow is a sacred animal to Hindus. 对印度人来说, 牛是一种神圣的动物。 fragment—n.碎片, 断片, 片段 statue-n.雕像;represent-v.代表:代表;象征: The bald eagle represents the United States. 秃鹰象征了美国 representative-n. 代表 remains-n. 残余, 遗迹, 遗体 preserve-v.保护, 保持, 保存, 保藏 --preserve forests保护森林 preserve order 维护秩序 --preserve eggs in salt 腌蛋 --preserves.-n. [常用复]蜜饯; 果酱; 罐头水果 precious-adj.宝贵的, 贵重的, 珍爱的 --precious metals 珍贵金属(如 金、银、铂) reconstruct-v.重建, 改造 --reconstruct city after the war 战后重建城市;Questions;How long had the temple they explored been used as a place of worship? They found fragments of statues. How many statues? What ws interesting about the body and head of one of the statues? When had the head been found and preserved? What did the archaeologists do to the fragments? And what was the result? What did she look like? What was she wearing?;Text;The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. must have --I can’t find my textbook! --You must have left it in your room. enjoy I enjoy meeting people. enjoy oneself People all enjoy the freedom of speech.;Houses---often three storeys high—were built of stone. be built of sth. The house is built of wood. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. a great many=a great number



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