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PEP小学英语五年级下册第四单元集体备课 2011年2月 五年级下册第四单元 课题 Unit4 Blet’s learn 第四课时 课型 词汇课 ?主备单位、教师 马庄小学、 刘现秀 使用单位、教师 ? 教 学 目 标 1、 能听、说、认、读五个动词短语的ing形式:listening to music\ washing the clothes、 cleaning the room、writing a letter、writing an e-mail. 2、 运用What’s your father doing?He’s writing an e-mail.询问并表述他人正进行的动作。 教 学 重 难 点 1、 本课时五个动词短语的ing形式。 2、 以不发音e结尾的ing形式的变化是本课难点。老师在正确示范的基础上指导学生熟悉掌握。 教具 准备 录音机,五张短语卡片、图片 ? 对本主备稿的评价 ? 教 学 过 程 二次备课 ㈠Preparation 1、 Teacher:Now,Let’s do an action. Then ask:What are you doing? Teacher:What is A doing? Students:He/She is … StudentA;I’m… 2、 Listen and do. 听指令,做动作。Listen to music、wash the clothes 、clean the room ㈡Presentation 1、 Show a picture:What is Mike doing? Students:He is listening to music. 也许有学生回答Listen to music。在这里提醒学生要在动词上加ing表示正在做的动作。 板书:并用其它颜色的笔标出ing。 设计:用另一种颜色的笔标出ing,引起学生的注意动词+ing。 2、 Show a picture:Teacher:What is Mike’s mother doing? Students: She is washing the clothes 板书并诵读,同样标出ing。 3、Show a picture:Teacher:What is Mike’s brother doing? Students: He is cleaning the room. Teacher:Who can come here write the word? 设计意图:(这个短语在上一册里学过,学生会写,让学生写在黑板上不仅提高学生展示自我的积极性,而且还能借此引出write这个单词。) 找学生B上台写并问:Teacher:What is B doing? Students: He is writing. 可适当提示 Teacher:Can you write it? Students:Yes,I can。 T:I can too.(师板书write) 4、Show a picture:Look,What is Mike’s sister doing? Students: She is writing. Teacher:Yes,She is writing.(将已板书write中的e去掉,并告诉学生结尾e 不发音,所以去掉,并用彩笔加上ing。 Teacher:She is writing a letter。(指着信封补充,板书并诵读。) 5、Look!This is Mike’s father .What is he doing? Students: He is … Writing an e-mail.(板书、诵读) Teacher:Why use “an”?(指着an问学生。) Students:……学生会根据经验回答。 6、Look at the book and listen to music. 7、Listen again and read after the tape. 8、Read in groups. 三、Practice 1、Look at the book and answer in groups. What is Mike’s mother doing? Mike’s mother … He/She is listening to music/… 2、Let‘s chant ① Point the pictures ask and answer: What is G


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