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中 国 地 质(双月刊) (ZHONGGUO DIZHI) 2006年4月第33卷第2期(总第313期) 青藏高原及周边大陆动力学与矿产资源研究专辑 青藏高原与大陆动力学——地体拼合、碰撞造山 及高原隆升的深部驱动力 许志琴 杨经绥 李海兵 张建新 曾令森 姜 枚 (中国地质科学院地质研究所 国土资源部大陆动力学重点实验室,北京 100037) 提要:运用地体和地体活动论观点,提出青藏高原结构划分的新方案;强调青藏高原的形成经历了新元古代以来长期活动的过程,青藏高原是一个“非原地”诸多地体会聚、拼合以及经历复合碰撞造山的“造山的高原”;大型走滑断裂在青藏高原形成中起着地体相对位移、侧向挤出、移置及使高原几何形态扭曲的作用。提出青藏高原隆升的 “南缘超深俯冲(600 km)、北缘陆内俯冲、腹地深部热结构及岩石圈范围内的向NE右旋隆升”的多元驱动力机制。 关 键 词:青藏高原;非原地地体拼合;复合碰撞造山;走滑构造;多元驱动力 中图分类号:P541 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1000-3657(2006)02-0221-18 The Qinghai-Tibet plateau and continental dynamics: A review on terrain tectonics, collisional orogenesis, and processes and mechanisms for the rise of the plateau XU Zhi-qin, YANG Jing-sui, LI Hai-bing, ZHANG Jian-xin, ZENG Ling-sen, JIANG Mei (Key Laboratory for Continental Dynamics, MLR, Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China) Abstract:Recent studies on the compositions and structures of multiple terrains within the Qinghai-Tibet plateau have offered us an opportunity to examine how this plateau was assembled in the context of terrain tectonics. The formation of this plateau resulted from long-term tectonic activities since the late Paleozoic which is represented by (1) convergence and welding of a number of exotic terrains, and (2) collision induced "orogenic plateaux" and has reached its climax in the Cenozoic. Large-scale strike-slip faults (commonly act as terrain boundary faults) has played a central role in controlling the relative offset, magnitude of lateral extrusion, and the geometry of these terrains. The final assembly and rise of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau may result from a combination of contemporaneous processes, e.g. super-deep subduction (>600 km) at its southern margin, intra-continental subduction at its northern margin, in-land deep thermal processes, and NE-trending right-lateral uplift of mantle lithosphere. Key words:Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;“non-in-situ” terrane assembly;compounding-collisional orogeny;strike-sli


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