
环境卫生讲稿Environmental Health.ppt

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环境卫生讲稿Environmental Health

Health effects of environmental pollution Acute and chronic effects acute effects public nuisance events smog events caused by air pollution pollution events caused by accidents nuclear accident infectious disease caused by environmental biological pollution 公害病 大气污染事件性疾病  伦敦烟雾  洛杉矶光化学烟雾   多诺拉市烟雾   马斯河谷烟雾   四日市烟雾 水俣病(慢性) 痛痛病(慢性) 米糠油事件 Health effects of environmental pollution Chronic effects lower concentration, long-term exposure, weak effects, multiple factors, non-specific chronic disease persistent accumulated effects such as DDT, PCBS , dioxin, 全球疾病负担 (男) 全球疾病负担 (女) Health effects of environmental pollution Chronic effects: material accumulation toxicants accumulated in body functional accumulation accumulation of minor injury caused by toxicants 环境相关性疾病 环境相关性疾病是指其发病原因与环境因素有着密切联系的疾病 Environmentally linked diseases or environmentally associated diseases 环境因素对人类的生长、发育和进化有着重要的作用。在人的生命活动、疾病的发生过程中,遗传因素与环境因素都具有重要的作用。 Carcinogenisis and teratogenesis Environment and cancer Cancer mortality 1990-2000 urben:123.92/100000-146.61/100000, 18.31% increased rural area: 101.39/100000-112.57/100000, 11.03% increased Rank of death cause: from 7 to 2(1957-1995) The front three cancer: stomach, liver, lung The globe : lung cancer (account for 17.74), stomach cancer (12.34%), rectum cancer(8.47%), liver Cancer (8.15%) Life expectancy and mortality of diseases 2000 全国第五次人口普查人均期望寿命 总 71.4 岁 男 69.6 岁 女 73.3 岁 2004年部分城市 死亡专率 1/10万 构成比% 1恶性肿瘤 126.42 23.92 2脑血管病 100.90 19.09 3心脏病 99.36 18.80 4呼吸系病 69.33 13.12  5损伤及中毒   31.14        5.89 Environment and cancer The factors influence occurrence of cancer : genetic behavior life style environment Environment and cancer 80-90% cause of cancer related with environmental factors, in w


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