研究生公共英语阅读AUnit 13.ppt

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研究生公共英语阅读AUnit 13

Unit Thirteen Practical Psychology: Silent speech Background Information A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication made with a part of the body, used instead of or in combination with verbal communication. A sign language (also signed language) is a language which uses manual communication, body language and lip patterns instead of sound to convey meaning—simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation and movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial expressions to express fluidly a speakers thoughts. Gestures Background Information Style: Exposition Methods: Examples: To convince the readers that silent speech will reveal the mysteries. Citation: Citations from specialists to prove that the information gathered by the author is based on authenticity and credibility. Topic sentence At the beginning: The topic sentence at the beginning encapsulates the content of that whole section. At the middle At the end Try to find the topic sentence in each subtitle. And position it. Text Learning: What is the main idea of each part? I. Introduction (Paras.1-2) Body language could be the key to all sorts of unsolved mysteries. Text Learning: What is the main idea of each part? II. Learning the Language (Paras.3-5) Language points Dr. Desmond Morris, the world famous… much more sense of our interactions. Incongruity: mismatching phenomenon as “non verbal leakage” Non verbal leakage: means failure to serve the social function Language points Spot; detect; perceive; catch one’s eye; become aware/conscious---all have the meaning of noticing sth. or someone. Spot: means to notice sth. esp. sth. that is difficult to notice or that no one else notices. I’m glad you spotted that mistake before it was too late. Detect: means to notice sth. that is difficult to see, hear, etc., esp. because it is very small, faint, or unclear. The system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in temperature as small as 0.003 degrees. Perceive: is a formal word to notice st


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