英语专业四级真题词汇精选_电子版 TEM4 1995.docx

英语专业四级真题词汇精选_电子版 TEM4 1995.docx

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英语专业四级真题词汇精选_电子版 TEM4 1995

英语专业四级真题词汇精选TEM4 1995aviation 飞行,航空,航空学 n.To fly such an aircraft, their builders must develop different forms of aviation.为了使这类飞行器上天,他们的制造者必须研发不同形式的航空器。junction 连接;交叉点n.The accident happened at one of the country’s busiest railway junctions.事故发生在该国一个极繁忙的铁路交叉点处。embarrassment 困窘,阻碍n.The company is faced with financial embarrassments.这家公司正面临财务困难。tentative 实验性的,试探的adj.n.make a tentative suggestion, proposal, plan, etc.提出实验性的建议,提案,计划等casher 出纳员,司库n.A casher’s job is to receive money from customers and pay out money in a shop, bank, or garage.出纳员的工作就是在商店、银行或停车场里收钱或付钱给顾客。accelerator 加速者,加速器n.The moment the windscreen shatters, you should begin to take your foot off the accelerator.挡风玻璃震碎的那一刻,你的脚步就该从油门上放下来。magistrate 文职官员,地方官员n.Two men who were caught stealing property after it grew dark have appeared before the Magistrates’ court this morning.今天早上那两个因趁天黑偷东西而被抓的人出现在地方法院前。semester 学期n.the summer/winter semester夏季/冬季学期prescription 指示,规定,命令n.The doctor gave me a prescription for painkillers.医生给我开了个止痛药方。compulsory 必须做的,必修的adj.Is English a compulsory subject?英语是必修课吗?sovereign adj&n. 至高无上的;君主Who holds sovereign power in the state?谁掌握国家的最高权力?exceed vt&vi.超越,超过Exceeding the speed in the urban area will be fined.超速驾车会罚款。underlie v. 铺在下面,构成基础On vacation in California, the President said he has reviewed the matter with administration officials and found no underlying problems with the economy.在加利福尼亚休假时,总统说他已经和行政部门的官员们回顾了事件并认为经济基础没问题。outskirts n.外边,郊区They live on the outskirts of Paris.他们住在巴黎市郊。Complimentary adj. 问候的,赞美的,恭维的The concert received complimentary review.这场音乐会得到了舆论的好评。punishment n. 惩罚,处罚The punishment should fit the crime.罪与罚应相当。barrier n. 栅栏,挡板Intolerance is a barrier that obstructs or impedes.偏狭是理解的一大障碍。18.neutral adj. 中立的He is on neutral ground.他站在中间立场上。resign v. 听任;辞去I resigned myself to a long wait in line.我顺从地在长队中等候。emergency n. 紧急情况There have a voice full of emergency.这有个急切的声音。ban v. 禁止,尤指用官方命令to deprive of the right of free movement and association with others 剥夺权利,


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