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河北经贸大学毕业论文 洗碗机的电路设计 摘 要随着人们生活品质的提高和工作节奏的加快,人们选择家电的标准也由原来的单一追求功能实现而逐步转向以节能、安全、环保为根本目标。,我国家电产品普及程度已经相当高,然而家用洗碗机却一直是一块存在巨大市场潜力而又未被开发的领域。这主要是由于传统的洗碗机产品不能适应中餐餐具的洗涤要求,并且洗涤时间长,能耗大。针对这种问题,提出将超声清洗技术应用于家用洗碗机领域,开发出一款节能环保型家用超声洗碗机。 针对超声清洗和餐具洗涤各自的特点,以及使用要求,对这款洗碗机在整体结构、洗涤工艺、自动控制三个方面做出了全新的设计。 结构方面,采用不锈钢清洗槽通过对超声系统、多方位喷淋系统和水位控制系统的设计,使结构更紧凑、易控制,且清洗效果更好 洗涤工艺方面,通过铝箔腐蚀法,分析超声洗涤槽内的相对空化强度,·给超声清洗参数的选择提依据,继而通过正交试验优选出超声洗涤参数和洗涤流程,最后选定超声功率300w、扫频、清洗时间min、室温以及由45热水冲洗(min)→超声洗(min)→600C水冲洗(5min)的洗涤流程为最佳洗涤流程。 自动控制方面,选择使用89S52单片机为控制核心,以各个部件的作用时间为逻辑顺序,实现了洗涤过程的智能化控制。与传统的人工洗碗相比,洗碗机确实有许多优点:因为少去了人工洗碗中的抹擦等步骤,而加进了烘干、消毒等环节,所以减少了病菌的感染机会;又因为利用了水的循环对流性能,所以节水效果明显;还有部分机型有软化水的功能,可减少机内水垢形成,使餐具更光亮、洁净。’t meet the needs of washing of Chinese tableware, washing time is long and energy consumption is great. Aimed at these problems, ultrasonic cleaning technology is applied in the field of home dishwasher. And an ultrasonic dishwasher with energy-conservation and environmental protection was encouraged to research and develop. Aimed at the characteristics of ultrasonic rinse and tableware cleaning and the instructions for use, a bran-new design is made in three aspects of the dishwasher: the bulk structure, washing technique, automatic control. In the aspect of structure, the cleaning trough is made of the stainless steel; structure is more compact, control is easier and the cleaning effect is better through the designs of ultrasonic system, multi-orientation spray system and the control system of water level; In the aspect of cleaning technique, the intensity of relative cavitation in the cleaning trough is analyzed by the method of corroding aluminum foil, which provided the basis for the choice of ultrasonic cleaning parameter. Then ultrasonic cleaning parameter and cleaning procedure are confirmed excellently through the method of orthogonal experimental design. The best parameter is ultrasonic power 300W, swept, cleaning time 9 min, room temperature and the cleaning procedure is: sprinkling with 45℃ hot water(5


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