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浅谈单簧管在管乐队中的作用 摘要:在西洋管乐器家族中,单簧管被冠为“全能歌唱家”和“木管乐器中的戏剧女高音之称高音区嘹亮明朗,中音区富于表情,音色纯净,清澈优美低音区低沉,浑厚而丰满,是木管族中应用最广泛的乐器 关键词:单簧管;单簧管历史;演奏;特点 Abstract: Western wind instruments in the family, the clarinet were the highest for the all singers and dramatic soprano woodwind known in the past.?It is loud and clear bright treble, alto district expressive, pure tone, clear and beautiful, the bass deep, vigorous and full, woodwind family is the most widely used instruments.?Clarinet title, from the sound mainly relies on a single reed and vibrations come from.?The 18th century, there is a voice of the clarinet and trumpet from a distance to listen to pronunciation is very close to, therefore, Clarinet has also been referred to as clarion (original translation of Trumpet?), collectively referred to in the international clarinet to (transliterated as carat tube).?Because of its basic as a black tube, it is often aptly referred to as clarinet. Since the?invention of?the clarinet?has been?310?years of history.?With?the continuous improvement of?musical?structure, its position?in the?pipe?band?is also?changing.?Since the?mid-18th century?clarinet?to join the band?until today?has become?an indispensable member of?the band, the reason?is, with its?outstanding performance?on?the?sound power and?flexibility,?wide?range?and so on. As an?art?students,?and engaged in?long-term exposure?related to?clarinet?play in activities.?Summary of?some of their own?practice?through?out?the role of?playing?the clarinet. This paper introduces?the historical?evolution of?the clarinet?and?the development of recent years in China, the second?part describes?the characteristics of?the clarinet?and performing?skills,?the third?is a summary. Keywords:?clarinet;clarinet?history;play;characteristics 目录 浅谈单簧管在管乐队中的作用 1 摘要: 1 Abstract: 2 第一章 绪论 4 第二章 单簧管的发展历史 7 第三章 单簧管的特点及演奏技巧 9 3.1 单簧管的特点 9 3.2 演奏技巧 9 第四章 单簧管在管乐队中的作用及分析 12 4.1 单簧管在德彪西《单簧管第一狂想曲》中的作用 12 4.2 单簧管在尼尔森作品中的作用 13 4.3 在管乐队中演奏单簧管应注意的问题 14 第五章 总结 15 参考文献 17 第一章 绪论


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