Exclusive Agency Agreement中英文.doc

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Exclusive Agency Agreement中英文

Exclusive Agency Agreement memorandum of understanding 因业务发展需要,甲乙双方在平等互利基础上就本独家代理协议(以下简称本协议)条款达成一致,并于2006年? ??月? ??日在中国上海签订本协议: This exclusive agency agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on????????? ?????, 2006 in Shanghai, China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow: 协议双方 The Parties Concerned ? 甲方:上海威之群机电制品有限公司 地址:中国上海奉贤区四团镇平北村 电话:0086-21-5714 2888 传真:0086-21-5101 2038 Party A: Shanghai Wisking Electric Machine Co., Ltd Add: Pingbei Village Situan Town, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China Tel: 0086-21-5714 2888 Fax: 0086-21-5101 2038 ? 乙方:Palmer Medical Supply Inc. 地址:3510 W. Beverly Blvd. Montebello, CA 90640, USA 电话:001-323-888-1860 传真:001-323-888-0050 Party B: Palmer Medical Supply Inc. Add: 3510 W. Beverly Blvd. Montebello, CA 90640, USA Tel: 001-323-888-1860 Fax: 001-323-888-0050 ? 前言 Preamble: (A)鉴于甲方是一家从事耐用医疗器械生产的企业,乙方是一家从事耐用医疗器械的销售和分销的企业; Whereas Party A is a company engaged in the business of manufacturing durable medical equipment and Party B is a company engaged in the sales and distribution of durable Medical Equipment. (B) 鉴于甲乙双方拓展各自商业领域和范围的愿望; Whereas the parties to this agreement desire to expand the scope and horizon of their respective business. (C) 鉴于甲方目前向美国市场销售产品,也没有寻求或者收到任何在美国销售产品所需的政府批文或者许可证; Whereas party A is presently not marketing its products to the United States Market and has not sought or received any requisite government approval or license to market its products in the United States. (D) 鉴于乙方已经并且正在美国从事耐用医疗器械的销售和分销,也是供应商的受益者,因此满足在美国销售医疗器械的法规的规定。 Whereas Party B is and has been engaged in the sale and distribution of durable Medical equipment in the United States and is currently the Beneficiary of provider number, thereby meeting the rules and regulations to market Medical equipment in the United States (E) 鉴于甲乙双方在生产和销售耐用医疗器械的代理协议签订完毕以后将签订合资协议,本代理协议届时将作为合资协议的附件。 Whereas the


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