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2010, 26 ( 6) : 534 - 538 Journal of Ecology and R uralEnvironment 1 1 2 1 刘 欣 , 赵艳霞 , 葛京凤 , 秦彦杰 ( 1. , 050011; 2. , 0500 16) : , , , , 3, , 50% , , , , 15 Shannon GDP 10 ( 003) , ; , : ; ; ; ; : X826 : A : 1673- 4831( 2010) 06- 0534 - 05 EarlyWarning and Regulation ofEcological Safety of Land Resources in TaihangMountains, HebeiProvince. 1 1 2 1 LI UX in , ZHAO Yanxia , GE Jingf eng , IN Yanj ie ( 1. Inst tute o f G eography Sc ence, H ebe A cademy o f Sc ences, Sh j azhuang 050011, Ch na; 2. Co llege of R esource and Env ronm en tal Sc ence, H ebe N o rma lU n ve rs ty, Sh j azhuang 0500 16, Ch na) Abstract: T he T a hang M ounta ns, H ebe P rov nce w as se lec ted as study area for perform ance of early w arn ng of eco log ca l sa fety of land resources and quant tat ve m easu rem ent of mpacts o f var ou s sens t ve facto rs on outcom e of the ear ly w arn ng us ng a fuzzy optm za t on mode l and a scenar o ana lys s m ode.l R esults show tha t the w arn ng o f the land re sources eco log cal safety n the study zone could be sorted nto three leve ls, Y e llow A lert, Blue A lert and G reen A lert ( of a f ve leve l alert system, g reen, blue, ye llow, o range and red) . The area w as dom nated by B lue A lert, w h ch cove red o ve r 50% n acreage. On the tm e sca le, the overa ll s tuat on of the zone s m prov ng slow ly. A nd on the spat a l sca le, the m dd le sect on of the a rea has som ew hat mproved, but the north and sou th t ps are gett ng se r ou s, espec a lly the la tter. T en sens t ve factors ( w e gh n


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